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Remixer: SirRus

Game: Chrono Cross

Name of Remix: Dreams of Another World

Email: Ravi.U.Sharma-1@ou.edu

The Song:

I'm not going to drag on about mushy inspirations and too much detail about me and my song. But I am going to drag on about the inspiration I have found here at OCR.

Submitting this song was mostly about having an audience with the judges, because honestly I have listened to the music of every remixer on the panel and have been amazed. You guys rock. I hope to hear criticism from the artists of my favorite OCR songs, and I would like to give mad props to DarkeSword for all his help with getting me started with remixing and putting up with crappy first drafts (I can't guarantee that he still won't find what I am submitting crap, but thanks man), The Wingless and Disco Dan for all the emotion that goes into their songs, Prot for kicking SO MUCH ass, GrayLightning for his help on the boards, and djpretzel for "Revival Day Impoetus."

I think I'm confusing submitting a song to an online music community with the Oscars. Regardless, I had to say that, I'm done now, thanks for your time.


NO for not mentioning me in your little asskissing session.

that and there are numerous little arrangement flubs. The note at 1:57 is a really poor choice. Starting at 2:50 there are way too many repeated notes in the piano part. Instruments will occasionally be too exposed when everything drops out. small things.

the big thing is that the mix starts epic and stays that way, more or less. there's no climax because the dynamic is the same at :45 as it is at 3:00. it tries to be epic, but to me that suggests an ascent from very small to very large. i don't think <4:00 is enough time to do such a thing successfully.


I didn't get mentioned either :cry: but I'm the new guy...and I don't make music. :cry::cry::cry:

Beef up all the melodic sounds (strings/horns/piano) with some power and the structure with some uh...epicness! Timing felt slightly off with the strings coming in at 1:50, and they were too obscured anyway. Moving into the last minute with the horns coming it, they sounded really flimsy, and the overall package has no real build or escalation like Vig pointed out. Pretty promising stuff though. I'm sure we'll hear from ya again, Ravi. Not bad at all, yo.



Okay Bhai-sahib. Here's the verdict. This piece doesn't go anywhere. It's very flatline in terms of development. Things start out one way and they don't REALLY change.

There's a nice texture here with all the different sounds, but the song itself kind of boring throughout.

Also, the melody is never really iterated. It sounds a lot like you just took the chord progression and wrote the song based on that. I could have done with a clearer arrangement of the source tune.

Don't worry Bhai-Sahib. You've come a long way in a short time. Just keep going.



Note to other remixers: if you mention my name in the blurb, you AUTOMATICALLY get in, djpretzel be damned.

What I'm hearing across the board is a lack of the tried-and-true bellcurve of musical development. Simply put, it starts out low, climaxes, then gently places you back to earth, roughly forming the shape of a bell-curve (the hump placed somewhere around 2/3 or 3/4 of the way back). This piece doesn't really bellcurve insomuch as it makes a plateau. It rises to a point of energy and density, then stays that way, not really offering an incentive to the ear to keep listening.

Which is too bad, since there are alot of really good choices being made in terms of instrumentation and the restraint to use them. It really does have an epic breadth to it (but at this point, not an epic depth)

Like our own Prince of Persia, I would recommend a lot more common ground with the original. This will give you more to play off of, and it will appease the masses who will cry foul: "Dood, where's teh Chronoxors? lOLZ"

So --

Look at your piece as a whole. Try to approach it from the movement of the piece. Ask yourself, how is this developing. Where am I taking it? What is the audience expecting... etc. If you are indeed going for the epic genre, movement/development/evolution is key and king.

Also, don't be afraid to jam more original CC into the mix. We won't hit you if we here familiar notes (Prot might take a dump on your chest, but it's cute when he does it). Maybe clean up the errant notes that other judges have pointed out and resubmit.

Since you're steeped in fanboyism, I'll give you the more sympathetic lowercase no

there. It's like Charmin for the ego.

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