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AkumajoBelmont (Robbie Sabo)


Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/AkumajoBelmont

User ID: 10026

Okies, so this is my first submission in years haha. It's a remix of the renowned Dr Wily 1 theme from Mega Man 2, and it's called 'For You'.

Before you wince and think 'SHIT NOT ANOTHER WILY REMIX!!+1DIKHEDZ!!-1KooLPoiNTZ', I think it's kinda unique in the fact that it's rather lyrical :D

So, I started this a year ago, but progress came to an abrupt halt when my PC died (twice). I would have liked to have added a little more to this, but I've lost a lot of my original sounds and vocals for this, so that would be a large task to re-do it all again... work keeps me insanely busy.. which sucks, but I digress...

I'm quite happy with this as is. As previously mentioned, I have indeed provided my own vocals for this remix. I don't profess to be the best singer around. And yes, I have AutoTune-ddd my vox up. But even in the time since I recorded the vox for this, I have improved quite a bit. But for the time being, it sounds ok, at least to me. I don't see it as a horrible thing (AutoTune, that is), unless it's detrimental, in which case it's up to you guys to decide. My use of Auto Tune will sure to be a point of contention... It's not perfectly implemented, but hell if I'm gonna let a few off notes keep me from trying to sound ok :D I have a story to tell, and I hope it's come across decent enough to be heard.

Lyrically, it's quite vague... but at the same time I feel quite visual. You can make of it what you want... whatever you see while you listen to the lyrics, it's correct. Of course, it's rather personal at the same time... it's definitely from someplace deep inside. But as much as it was important to get a specific emotion out of me at the time of writing the lyrics, it's as much about whoever listens... I hope it's Anthematic (is that even a word??? O_o) enough for the masses to relate to.

Here's the lyrics:



Her words unspoken, with silence to blame.

How she tries

to gain the courage to understand why

it came to be this way.

These words of wisdom, time and again,

go unheard.

He knows it's not her fault

that it was all in vain..

..we all bleed the same.

Our differences are great,

but not enough to separate us from their lies.

We tried; We did our best.

Why can't you look into my eyes?


And she said "my friend you know there's nothing we can do

Just let it go.

Secrets never show themselves.

You'll learn to just move on,

Till then this song is for you."

And he said "the only way to learn is to experience the pain.

In that way we're the same" Oh...

They turned around and parted ways.

This song is for you.


So it's been written through the ages of time.

From pens of ancient masters to prose of the modern mind.

A tale to be told.

And now we find them holding onto their faith.

They've tried all that they could,

but we know it's just to late...

...to not end up alone.

The Jury overthrown.

Their differences are few,

but not enough to see them through.

It's such a shame.

They wonder whose to blame...

...or is it just that we're the same?


Musically, it's pretty basic... I always intended the focus to be on the vocals, but I think it's got a gentle sound that is something that most could latch onto. I've used the melodies and such from the source as a base... the vocals follow the basic foundations of the now immortal main melody of the source. The verses tend to be more interpretive, but the hook/chorus just wouldn't sound the same if it were altered too much. Funnily enough, the lyrics kinda just came to fit. I had no trouble adapting the source into a vocal format .. a sure sign of something that was kinda just meant to be.

Anyways, I hope you guys like this... take care guys!



- "Dr. Wily Stage 1"

I could understand people not feeling these vocals. The more pronounced auto-tune warbling will throw some people off. That said, I got a Robbie Williams vibe from some of the performance, so good on ya. The vocals definitely need to be de-essed though, so it's a shame the project files are gone.

The way the piano's produced, it was too quiet AND dry, and the notes sounded mechanical. That said, the piano was reasonably couched in the rest of the soundscape where, even though it was annoying, it wasn't a dealbreaker. Nice chorusing of the vocals at 1:16.

Aww, key change at 3:09. No points off, just a personal thing. Overall, this is pulled off excellently. Some parts of the production took a couple points off, and I would have loved to see those addressed, but it was pretty minor in the big picture. Robbie, let's definitely not have this long of a gap between this and you next sub; keep 'em coming!



Digging this. The arrangement and unique approach weighs up for the slight lacking production. Like Larry said, the vocals needed some de-essing and they're wobbling pretty badly. The piece as a whole though is really nice, flowing and an interpretive arrangement. I personally liked the key change, very eurovision song contest! :D

Overall a good track that could've used some extra polish but is unique and cohesive enough to squeak by.


I was gonna invoke Eurovision when mentioning the key change, but since the genre for this one is unlike anything that would be in the contest I decided against it. :tomatoface:

Obviously you haven't watched enough Eurovision! Some countries can deliver serious oddities. :nicework:


The warbles grate a little, but it's cool enough. Good pacing and cool lyrics. The production focuses on the vocals, and the rest supports it well enough.

I liked the key change. It was effectively used, and is a great songwriting tool.

I'm cool with this one for sure.



I remember really liking this one when I heard it in the WIP forums. There's been improvement since then, especially with harmonies and production. The lyrics really work for this song, and they fit creatively into the melody. While it is obvious that the autotune is used, you aren't hiding it, so I'm fine accepting it as is.


I hope that MMX4 track hits the panel soon. Finish that one up please!

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