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Its dnb alright. Issue here is that the song has nothing to do with metroid save the voice clip and the simple intro bassline sequence. I DIDN"T SAY NOTATION HOLY CRAP. Aside from that, this isn't very good dnb. Dnb tends to change up all the time. New things happen. Changes, progression, variation. This is one loop looped 37 times. You're going to have to do much better than that.



I'm really not hearing the Metroid in this aside from the intro bassline & Dan Owsen in-game voice samples either. And I may catch flak for this, but this is flat-out shitty-sounding d'n'b, and I'm generally a nice guy. There's NO organized structure or cohesion here and the distorted sound choices are awful. Submit a viable rearrangement idea and give your music some discernible direction.

Total. Garbage. And I'll absolutely stand by that.

EDIT: There's nothing wrong with remixes that abstractly handle a game's source material. I think some of Children of the Monkey Machine's work & zykO's River City Ransom acid mix "i n d i g o" are great examples of that. Shnabubula's "Red Spiders" was also another good example of something that was structured in an unorthodox way, yet manged to tie back well to the source material.

With that said, I don't think it's much to expect any submission to have more than the most tenuous of tenuous connections to the source material, which I believe this mix is a case of. The panel has also turned down "River City Rap" by the Crazy Crackaz All-Stars & zykO's "the anti-ignorance" along similar lines. Even though it was posted under different times, DJ Seith's Water Warning mixes are more overtly tied to their Sonic source material than this here is tied to Super Metroid. On the whole, this doesn't even sound inspired by Metroid, and Edgen Animations' recently rejected Halo submission at least had that kind of vibe going for it when we felt that it didn't relate enough to the source theme.

Though it wasn't implied against me, I'm not against the d'n'b genre. Though I didn't like the style of this piece as it relates to d'n'b for my reasons above, my problems with this track as d'n'b function primarily on a game music rearrangement level. When Ari says the track loops 37 times or whatever, he's overgeneralizing, so I don't wanna get lumped in that. But what I'm hearing is essentially the bassline and breakbeats dropping in and out at various times & combinations with a few short quasi-transitions, no apparent structure and little viable development ideas as a rearrangement over the course of the 5:58 and minimal reference to "Theme of Super Metroid" at best (despite that track being required to be the foundation of the work in order to pass the submissions guidelines).

If this functions well as an atonal, abstract d'n'b/electronica piece on account of these subjective aspects I've said, then more power to it as an original work though I personally felt it didn't accomplish this. But I'm judging this on whether it's a worthy Super Metroid rearrangement, and on that level it's total garbage when factoring everything into account. If I'm somehow missing the bigger picture on this actually being a Super Metroid arrangement, I'd be more than happy to reconsider my vote. But the way this is structured has jack shit to do with Super Metroid and that kind of submission is exactly what we're not looking for.


I'm kind of wondering if i'm hearing the same song as these two. The drums switch up plenty for me, and the distorted textures, along with spooky string samples, etc create a pretty convincing dNb atmosphere. This is definately NOT "looping 37 times". I hear quite a concerted effort to create a dynamic and morphing electronic environment.

In the same vein as the (excellent) Water Warning mix by DJ Seith, I find that this mix, while not exemplary in its utilization of harmonic and melodic information from the original, does a sufficient job of expanding on a simple motif. I don't see any difference between the innovative use of the Sonic drowning sound and this.

1:16 is killer, btw. Very mind-warping. This whole track is atonal goodness. I like it. A bunch. Voice sample usage is a bit cheesy and overdone, some chopping and warping fx might have helped. However, I think this is one of the most innovative and unique tracks to ever hit OCR. Not to mention it sounds like it's straight off a dNb vinyl album.

Bias against abstract forms of electronica should not prevent its publication. Certain judges should become more diversified in their appreciation of synthesized music.

But i'm eating a lot of Bran Flakes just in case.




VH1 behind the music--

Daniel "Red Baron" Baronowski ate so much bran that fellow judge GrayLightning would often set his watch to Daniel's laser-precise bowel movements. But after nearly four months of excusively eating bran, Daniel reached his breaking point, and turned to harder drugs like cocaine and muslix.

VH1: "Daniel... what were those years like?"

Daniel: "Mmm... NOTATION. def-def-definitely NOTATION"

When Behind the music returns... Vigilante cuts his hair after a twenty-year bout with being a damn-dirty hippy.



I'm torn between Oji's sentiment and Danny's. One the one hand, there is so precious little metroid here that I can't in good conscience call it a full-fledged remix. On the other hand, I can hear a sincere attempt at drum engineering and some competant (albeit repetative) arrangement.

So I suppose I will compromise. I'm going to vote no, and strongly advise the author to incorporate more familiar metroid material into this mix, which as far as I'm concerned, is its major failing. If it had more metroid meat, I'd vote yes, or at the very least, would be more inclined to yes it.

But as it stands, no.

"its is a drum and bass/jungle track with original and in game samples"

Unfortunately, I can't really hear much of Metroid in this, although I will say that the dnb was good, if not slightly repetitive, taking the genre as a whole into account. Needs more metroid elements to remind the listener what they are listening to.


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