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This is that sick theme that appears in Smash Bros8-)... The mix itself is like all my other ones (Heavy Rock!), but has a LOT more piano than I normally use. This is still in the works...I feel comfortable with the production, but I definitely want to change a few parts to my liking. Any feedback is fine. *EDIT* I have changed all the links in this this thread to be the final version.


Original (As if anyone doesn't know it) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BsPSOQA6tY&feature=related


I'm giving a disclaimer on this one: I'm binging the reviews in the WIP thread, things with the work-in-progress tag in front of them, it's late, and my sanity is waning. All are opinions, sanity not guaranteed, or likely. Some things may be off. Some words may be dyslexically spelled backwards and there may be things in the post that are just plain off. The better the thing I'm listening to is, the more likely I'll come up with something off the wall to complain about. Worst case scenario if it's really good and I have nothing to say about it, I'll just start making stuff up. 'I want some more schmeere in your somoflange, then it'll be epic...' That being said, lets get going.

EDIT: Meh, I missed your source the first time. So I found this. And I'm leaving it here even though it's not really the source per se. Cause that's how I roll. :dstrbd:

Some neat info in the YT description:

I don't know that the 2 'intro' hits on the hi hat are necessary for this. It's a pretty powerful track, I'd like to hear it go just right into it. like very BAM! and we're off! Also on drums, you prolly want flams or ruffs on the snare hits rather than single notes. Since you put cymbals with the hits, a real drummer only has so many hands, consider rim shots or something to set it apart from just a normal hit.

The snare that you're using has too much body and not enough pop. Rather than a tone, it should have a more dead-ish sort of sound. My opinion on that sample anyway. It sounds like the triplets at the end are played on a better/more correct drum than the 2/4 drum. Trying using that.

WAIT wait, hold on! What tha...

Tindeck: 'Ha scrubs! No downloading! Leave a comment and I'll give it to you.'

HOW can I keep my creepy stalker WIP forums collection folder (where I keep all the WIPS before they get to the judges) fed with that attitude?! :puppyeyes: In all honesty though, if I really wanted to get all serous, a downloaded file lets me really listen for EQ and compressor stuff (and see the waveform visually in Foobar) or open the file in an editor to check levels, L and R channels, etc. I'm just sayin, but w/e iz up to joo. iz ur babeh...

I usually don't leave comments on the parts I like... But damn. The break right after halfway with the piano and the (arpeggio?) guitar part. I am in love with this, though I could really see a 16th or 8th note pattern on the hi hats working better than the driving rock quarters, and the double bass part there seems to be to fill the space rather than actually fitting there. This'll give you a fuller sound with out the double bass part.

Shortly after that where you do triplets on the snare, consider adding the bass drum to the beginning of the triplets to accent the part, or put flams/ruffs in it.

Speaking of accents, the rock piano might could use some in place so it sounds more humanized, it's pretty mechanical now. That bit I like should be accented on some of the heavy downbeats in my mind.

Ending is a cop out. A powerful track like this shouldn't just fade into nothingness. Joo gotta give us some sort of epic build up and end. Rather than a repeat fading off.

This might be a touch on the conservative side, but it's hard for me to judge cause the source is a full song. It's one thing to pick out like an 8-bit theme like Wiley played over and over again and say 'too conservative'. But it's a harder sell for me when it's a full orchestrated type epic-ish source. Is that bit there from the original or is it new to the mix? I dunno, lets compare. In short, I'm seeing that the progression/length/tempo in your track is about similar to the original and I'm not sure if/how much you should change it for judge standards. Though I love what you've got.

Great work, pretty epic, something I'd listen to again if I could get mah greedy handsesys on it.

I mean... More schmeere in your somoflange, then it'll be epic... Hope this helps.


So I'm going to submit this song tomorrow... I did some more mastering and worked on the ending a little more to make it sound finished. So speak now or forever hold your peace.



Heeeeere's some comments from me, before you submit it :P.

First, before you submit anything you think is ready, give it a day or so with the 'Mod Review' tag. It helps to have one of those guys come in and tell you what they think.

The mixing is pretty strange on the latest version of it. It seems as if you want to emphasis some random elements in the track... randomly, at the cost of more important instruments. For example, the guitar seems to be in the middleground for the track, then when the piano comes in it takes the foreground over. Perhaps the piano was even intentional, but if that were the case then you need to separate the important notes on the piano itself. Things just sound like a wash of sound, atm, because of the strange mixing.

While it seems you've played it safe with the production (not really a bad thing) I suspect you could use a bit more in the highest & lowest end of the EQ, to give it some flavor. Not too much, though - as you know, clipping is bad :P.

The arrangement isn't bad, although a touch on the conservative side. I think it's passable, though - no need to worry about it.

The guitar + piano were really quite nice. I likes it.

The mixing/mastering of this track will take it to new heights, if you work on it. Clean it up, put it in Mod review and see where that takes you.


Great idea! I'll switch the thread over to Mod Review as soon as I work out those little bugs you mentioned. In my quest for driving low end, the high-mids got buried and for some reason (I'm not sure why) the pianos became very resonant in the mids.

I'm doing a remaster on it from scratch to put it where it should be. It'll be the mod review thread.

Conservative? Everyone keeps saying it, even though this is borderline original work (Aside from the obvious intro). Well, we'll just have to wait and see what the mod tag brings...


Hey, thanks for being patient, I'm back from vacation and ready to go on this again 8-)

Your kick drum is pretty thin, which is a bummer. I think a different sample (or a whole new drumkit - the snare is also a bit weak) would do wonders here.

There's times where the melodies aren't entirely clear because they become obscured by other elements such as the bass or rhythm guitar, but it's a minor qualm. I like this remix a lot (even moreso because I'm a huge fan of the source and I was waiting for it to get remixed like this) so I'd say try to fix the drums either by finding a better sample or just EQing them to be a bit more powerful, and then submit it.

Best of luck dude :-D

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