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*NO* Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 'Eastern Quarters' *RESUB*

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NOTE - Original rejection: http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=40286

First of all, this was rejected from the panel not too long ago, mostly for too much repetition and odd reverb. I was hoping that I can use a fall-through to make it to the judges quicker, since a few of them said this is worthy of improvement and resubmission. Liontamer said it would be okay to do this.

Again, this remix is from the game Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow and I took the time to fix a lot of the problems and from what I gathered from other people, it's now better and different in terms of composition (though many of the original instruments are still there). So here I am again with this remix and with the following info since it's a first for this game:

Original composer - Junichi Murakami

Platform - Gameboy Advance

Theme - Inner Quarters

Remix name - Eastern Quarters

Link to remix


Amateur from the beginning. Lots of poorly concieved string pads kinda weirding up things. Perhaps is an intended effect. Just sounds bad.

Poor notation, ugly notes. Poor percussion, great deal of repetition.

I'd say take any one of these issues and try to improve upon it.

Basically all my problems are still there. Sounds cleaner, but man.. Its still just repetitive and messy.



What happened to the melody from the last time??? That was the best part but it got gutted compared to the first version. The thin strings didn't seem to really work with the thick percussion & pulsating electro beats I heard in the first 50 seconds. Just thicken the sound on those guitar/wuteva strings a bit. Also some bad note progression I felt I heard from 1:38-1:45 with the string accompaniment.

Ah man, at 1:09, I was just floored by about half of the notes of the melody being taken out. :-( Bring 'em back, baby! I was thinking that you would bring the melody back to full power (like in the first version) later on in the song, but it never arrived. I think this would come off a lot stronger by not letting the melody be so sparse, at least for most of the time.

Overall though, things were sounding decent at least, and I wasn't really having too many problems until the awkward transition at 2:28. Those are hit or miss, and I felt it didn't work effectively, so ease into that change of pace there.

I didn't really see where Prot was coming from when he said things were messy until we hit the drumwork at 2:40 during more of a freestyle section. The notes get iffy/random-sounding at points and the percussion sounds very loose from both 2:40-2:50, 2:59-3:05 & 3:18-3:28. Good energy, but still a bit over the top. Tone it down a little bit. The ending there at 4:07 dropped off a little suddenly; might wanna just reverb the end for a slightly slower fadeout.

Those were all the little problems I had. Unfortunately, the main point here is that there isn't much development going on with this theme. The second half pretty much felt like the first save for the break section from 2:28-3:09. Then you just rehashed what you had done before. That wouldn't have been a problem if the melody was more exciting to begin with.

The production is awesome now, but looking back over what Prot said, the issues of some ugly notes, haphazard sounding percussion and repetition are all still existent, only a bit less prominent than before. Hate to say this, but keep working on it, bro.

NO (resubmit)

  • 2 weeks later...

I don't think that this sounds over the top, but then again that's me. Much much better than last time. The only problems I have now are the dodgy sounding strings and most prominently I hear some weird note clashes now and again with the low end of the strings especially at the beginning of the song. Percussion sounds crisp. Echoing Liontamer here in that I don't like to reject a mix twice, but please take into consideration all that has been said here.



I haven't heard your earlier submission, but for me the main problem here was pretty much what prot mentioned. There is a lot of unpleasant notes and tonal combinations going on here in my opinion. Particularly around 1:30 with the synthy stabs on the right side.

I think your drumwork here is very well done to great. However I don't like how the mix was produced. Everything is way too loud, and the percussion is so sharp (2:29 for example). Some EQ roll-offs in the treble section in my opinion are warranted, and/or putting some reverb on them to soften it.

With more work, this is a Yes from me. But as it is, borderline NO.

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