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Game: Final Fantasy VII

Song: Mako Reactor

Original Composer: Nobuo Uematsu

Remixer: Knight_of_the_Round

Real name: Justin Taylor

Email: jmantwc@gmail.com

Original song link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGVg_nsYktQ


Well, I've been making metal versions of Final Fantasy tracks for about 2 years now, and it's mainly to get me practice recording/mixing music. I believe that with this track I've finally acheived the musical direction and sound that I want this project (Knight of the Round) to go, so I figured I would submit it to you guys and see if it got accepted (which I hope it does!). I've incorporated both thrash and poly-rhythmic metal into this one, and I think my production compliments the songs "machine" feel that it already had.

All drums were programmed via snap/grid system through Sony Vegas 7. Guitars were recorded with an 8 string guitar being played through an ENGL Fireball 60W head, into a VHT Fatbottom 4x12 cabinet, dual mic'd with a Shure SM57 and an Audix I5. Bass was recorded direct from a TechNYC SansAmp Bass Driver. Strings and choir were both created via MIDI throuh Sonar, then plugged back into Vegas. (Vegas doesn't have MIDI support).

Well, hope you guys enjoy!




Metal isn't particularly my favorite style to listen to, but I like how you approached the source in this case. There is a lot of intensity in here and a lot of good things happening. As far as melody goes this is fairly conservative, however. What is really killing this is that you play through the source 2+ times without making much change between the two. It almost sounds like you copied and pasted the second time. There's tons of change in the other instruments, so I'm willing to forgive the conservative take on the source, but not two times through nearly unchanged. I'd like to see you break away from the source and add some solos, or some original sections in here. You're playing chops are good, give them some fun!

Also, the fade-out ending isn't working for me. I'd like to hear something big after all that, not have the song disappear!

Production seems pretty decent to me. I'm not exactly feeling the cymbals, and I think the snare could have just a tiny bit more cutting power, but aside from that I like the overall sound you've got here.

It's a good start, but you need to get some original stuff in here or variation to the source. NO (resubmit)


Nice and tight recordings, it has a clean and heavy sound; the compression though is pretty ridic. It's killing any dynamics you have and making your drums sound puny. They click through pretty well, but most of the body is lost. The new rhythms are cool, and the sections fit together really well, but i'm kindof being wall-of-sounded to death. i can hear a pretty great Meshugguh influence that really works with the source. The second repetition does feel copy pasted, but it doesn't completely kill the track for me. I do think adding some additional guitar harmonies would be a super easy way to make it feel fresher, and have the poor drummer play some different fills the second time around as well. ;-)

Fadeout is also sortof weak, but you at least faded out on a cool riff. Overall this track's strengths were definitely outweighing it's weaknesses. It's really close for me, but I think toning down the compression and adding a little more variation in the second half would make this an easy pass. Resub it please!

No, please resubmit


polllyyyrhythmmmmsssszzzz yeess

Yeah I dig this arrangement for the first half, but then you just repeat it. :(

Need some variation the second time around dude, or at the very least show of some solo skills.

Also drums need to sound massive in a piece like this but they're kind of buried; try looking at your compression and see if you can bring the drums out a little more.

NO but please resub this

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