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The details:

Remixer name: Father of Syn

Real name: David Thatcher

Email address: synnah@gmail.com

Website: http://www.myspace.com/fatherofsyn

Forum UserID: 33372

Name of game arranged: Rastan

Name of individual song arranged: Main Theme (Can't find a name for it in the original game, though it's on a remix album as 'Aggressive World'. I don't think that's the original title, though)

Additional Info: The game was released by Taito in arcades in 1987. Composition is credited to Naoto Yagishita and Masahiko Takaki. However, I based my remix on the 1987 Commodore 64 port by Ocean, the music for which was made by Martin Galway.

Comments about the mix:

I had quite a bit of leeway with this one, as the original track is only about 45 seconds long. Looping it once brought it up to a minute and a half, but I had to do something different with it. What better way to add another minute and a half than to write a long solo in 7/4 and 5/4 timing? I was a little worried that the complex signatures didn't work at first, but once I had the chord progressions in there, it all fell into place. I used a variety of synths, including a nice Moog-style analogue bass, and a filtered square/triangle lead. Other sounds in there include an ocarina, which I recorded and processed, a reversed sample of a steel guitar, and 909 drums. I'm pretty happy with how the final master ended up sounding, although as ever I'm a little worried that there's a bit too much going on. The title is a reference to the story text on the title screen, which reads, 'Sit beside me and listen to my story of days full of adventure'.




I totally remember this theme from a local arcade machine when i was a kid. Cool stuff.

The main issue I am having with this is the indistinct production. The lead seems pretty buried, and the harmonies are all similar timbres and volume levels, so it's like a haze over the entire track. The drums feel a little weak as well, might want to apply some compression to them so they punch a little more. Also, the static sound transitions were VERY NO. Incredibly piercing compared to the rest of the track, and overall not cohesive or related to anything else.

Synth sounds seemed pretty generic too.

Sorry man, this one needs a lot more work.



I like the source, despite it being short. I think there is a lot that you did with it. I think the second run through of the source is where you did the best arranging. The source was there, but there were a lot of knew ideas and riffs that you added. I have a bit of an issue with the structure. You stated in the submission letter that you added the solo to add time, and it kind of feels just like that. The solo feels distinctly separated from the rest of the track. Part of that is the weird static divider you added, which I think should go, but also that the source doesn't really make it's way back in to reconnect the track back together. I like the solo stuff, even the weird timing, but I'd like the structure to be worked around so that there is more interplay between source and solo. The static ending is just as strange; it's not doing anything for me, and I think the track would do better with a different ending.

The lead feels a bit too quiet, which is adding a level of indistinctness to the overall track. It also doesn't help that a lot of the instruments are taking up the same frequencies. The sounds overall aren't really grabbing me, it feels a bit generic overall. I recommend getting some advice from the WIP forums to really get your sounds cleared up.

Good arrangement ideas, but I need a better structure, and some production work. NO (resubmit)


Not of the fan of the static; I don't feel like it really adds anything to the mix. Definitely has to either go, or be scaled back and more present throughout the mix. As it it's used now, it just comes out of nowhere and then disappears again.

This is kind of muddy; Deia mentioned that the instruments seem to be occupying the same frequency range. Work on some EQ for that.

Drums vary a lot which is nice, but that ill-defined bassline is pervasive; needs to sound like less of a blurry whirring noise.

Arrangement itself is not bad at all, it's got a nice driving intensity. Just needs some work.


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