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*NO* Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 'Overcast'

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Real Name - Taylor Swann

Remixer name - Swann

email - taylor.s.swann@gmail.com

Remix - "Overcast"

So. My first sub to OCR...

I've arranged a classic theme from Ocarina of Time, the Song of Storms/Windmill Hut (also Zelda's Lullaby), for solo piano. Gave it an jazzy/blues-ish feel. Enjoy!

Written and rendered in Finale.

source - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-ZPpGdt1xQ

quick breakdown:

0:00-0:11 Intro/exposition.

0:11-0:30 Source + extra

0:31-1:00 Secondary melody based on the source.

1:00-1:05 Modulation to F major

1:14-1:25 Source (major)

1:27-1:40 Zelda's Lullaby

1:40-2:00 Messing around with the Lullaby

2:02-2:05 Sun's Song/Hyrule Field "sunrise"

2:05-2:22 Going nuts

2:22-2:32 Source

2:42-end Zelda's Lullaby + Song of Storms


Windmill Hut, Zelda's Theme


The arrangement of this is fantastic. I am digging the entire thing. It is really really cool.

That being said...I am so sad that the track isn't realizing it's potential soundwise. I will give you kudos that for being done in finale, there was a heck of a lot of detail added to humanize the playing, but the piano sound really isn't holding it's ground for such a good arrangement. Also, the entire track is quiet and could use a boost.

I really want to see you collaborate with someone to get this sounding as good as the arrangement is. It is a heck of a lot of fun to listen to, but there is so much lost potential. Also, thank you for the breakdown, it always helps us not have to search for source usage!

NO (please resubmit!)


Oh no! This arrangement is brilliant (albeit a bit on the liberal side), but the recording quality isn't up to snuff. Do you have any other sort of music software that you could import your MIDI into and substitute a better piano sample? If not, you should definitely team up with someone who can take on the production end of things. I personally would love to see this mix on the site!

I like the little Sun's Song quote at 2:02, by the way. That was a clever usage. ^_~ The piano gets a little too loud for a few measures after that point (particularly around 2:11), though, to the point where it sounds like it might be clipping.

Anyway, definitely work on this! If you think you need some help, don't be afraid to ask.

NO Resubmit!


I gotta agree with these fine ladies here that the piano sample is bringing down your pretty great arrangement, and the extreme dynamics are a nice touch but are a little overdone. I think the overall volume should be slightly normalized, just so it isn't quite as jarring during the dynamic shift. I think if the piece itself was more dramatic in substance, rather than a sunny day romp, the huge mood shift would make more sense to me, but as is, it seems like dynamics for the sake of having dynamics. The ending dynamics were good, it was just the area around 2:11 that Jill already mentioned.

If I had a piano sample worth anything, i'd offer to assist, but sadly I don't. Just adjusting the volume in the one section and using a new sample and i'd be cool passing this. :-)

No, please resubmit

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