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*NO* Super Mario World 'The Fortified Stronghold'

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This is a song I made a little while ago and I thought it might be up to standards for evaluation by OC Remix to be added to the website's collection of music.

- The Fortified Stronghold

Contact information :

Remixer Name - MC Jimmy

Real Name - James Calocerinos

Email Address - lampspm1@wmconnect.com

Website - http://mcjimmy.dorino.net/

Submission Information :

Game Arranged - Super Mario World for the SNES

Song Arranged - Castle BGM Theme

I recorded different sound effects to add to the ambiance of the spooky feeling I was trying to incorporate into the song. Some notable sounds are the guitar part in there and the squeaky door (my door is so old) . I tried my best to give it a unique flavor while maintaining the overall structure of the original piece of music.


http://ocremix.org/chip/6737 - 'Sub Castle BGM'

Some interesting instrumentation, though the balance between the parts seemed off. At :21, the beats didn't seem as full and spacious as they should have been. Also, not sure why the melodies were changed to sound off-key and non-melodious, as they ended up pretty de-emphasized despite always being in play. Right now, I felt like I was just getting hit with loud bucket drums and everything else was playing second fiddle to that. 1:50's section was the most interesting part, but by then the track was over. With some production tweaks to give this more direction and focus, as well as further fleshing out of the arrangement into something longer than 2 minutes, this could be cool.



Larry's got this on the head. There are some interesting ideas, and while I'm not opposed to a section of off-key creepy music, having almost an entire song of it isn't really working for me. I could see that working as an intro into another section, so i wouldn't get rid of it completely, and maybe find a way to work it into something else.

The balance is a little off at times, leaning towards the drums, and sometimes towards the high end. A little balancing will help things out, and it maybe some panning could be used to add some effect and space to the overall soundscape.



Interesting atonal take on the source, but the production issues, combined with a few weird note choices, and also the brevity of the track make it feel like it's not quite completed. I suggest taking it to the WIP forums and get some additonal feedback on how to get this tightened up.


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