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I need someone who can make a kickass music video featuring game footage of shadow of the colossus for this legendary remix for an official OCR project!


the deadline for a completed video is Dec 1.

The elite panel of judges will be myself, DragonAvenger, and OCAD!

The rules are:

1. All video has to be shadow of the colossus footage or directly related to the game.

2. it has the incorporate the entire wanderer on the offensive song.

3. it has to be KICKASS.

4. Open with the OCremix logo. OA provided two that you can crossfade between to get a nice glowing transition.




5. Credits need to be at the end.

Remix Credits:

B33J, Cerrax, nonsensicalexis, Sixto Sounds

Video Credits:


If you're not sure where to get SotC footage...

Innuendo88 on YouTube has some great HD footage that he is allowing people to use as long as he's listed in the credits You can edit this footage by getting the VideoDownloadHelper add-on for FireFox which rips videos from YouTube (and most other video/music s

feel free to post your WIP videos in the thread


I do these all the time :) Let me know if you like my past work.. I'd be honored to make you a video:

(old, but my most watched)


And on a lighter note :-P :


And an FYI: These are all 1-day projects with little attention to tight detailing. I would work with you to fine tune every second of the video however long it takes :)

Whether you want me to make it or not, I'm curious about the purpose of the video. Is it for OCR?



If you haven't already decided on who you want to help, I could give it a shot n_n

I use both Windows Movie Maker, and Sony Vegas 7.0.

Best AMVs with WMM:


(Please keep in mind that WMM has epic fail quality, so it messed up a few things in both of those... >_>;; )

And my only 2 vids made with Vegas so far:

& http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIg-wNSAP-4

Yes, both are short...the first is a Beta, and the second was made for a contest on another website (I was very iffy on adding that one...but, the editing is still there, so I said "why not?")

(I just realized that 3/4 of my vids are from the same thing... o-o; wow xD)


Even though OA hasn't responded in a while, I think he'll be OK with saying that he has me working on a video. I mean, he could be having multiple people making videos and none of us know XD That might suck.

I think it would be really cool to hold some sort of contest for the music video even though I already made most of it. I'll even PM him about the idea. I'm basically risking the chance he wouldn't choose my video anymore, but I say let the best man win, you know? He should get the best video possible because that's what the mix and this site deserves.

You can see what I've done so far for it. I didn't get the impression from OA that this is a confidential project but I'd still appreciate it if this link wasn't shared outside of this thread... just in case. Hope you enjoy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SociyneQDcE

Even though OA hasn't responded in a while, I think he'll be OK with saying that he has me working on a video. I mean, he could be having multiple people making videos and none of us know XD That might suck.

I think it would be really cool to hold some sort of contest for the music video even though I already made most of it. I'll even PM him about the idea. I'm basically risking the chance he wouldn't choose my video anymore, but I say let the best man win, you know? He should get the best video possible because that's what the mix and this site deserves.

You can see what I've done so far for it. I didn't get the impression from OA that this is a confidential project but I'd still appreciate it if this link wasn't shared outside of this thread... just in case. Hope you enjoy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SociyneQDcE

That sounds like a good idea to me! I was considering using that track to make a video with anyway, just because it was so awesome :P


but I say let the best man win, you know?

Best man...or girl ;P lol


if you guys want to compete to make the best video, then by all means!

I'll update the first post, but the deadline for a completed video is Dec 1.

The elite panel of judges will be myself, DragonAvenger, and OCAD!

The rules are:

1. All video has to be shadow of the colossus footage or directly related to the game.

2. it has the incorporate the entire wanderer on the offensive song.

3. it has to be KICKASS.


There's some specifics OA mentioned to me about the requirements that he didn't list, so I'll provide those:

Open with the OCremix logo. OA provided two that you can crossfade between to get a nice glowing transition.




Credits need to be at the end. OA said to use these:

Remix Credits:

B33J, Cerrax, nonsensicalexis, Sixto Sounds

Video Credits:


If you're not sure where to get SotC footage...

Innuendo88 on YouTube has some great HD footage that he is allowing people to use as long as he's listed in the credits You can edit this footage by getting the VideoDownloadHelper add-on for FireFox which rips videos from YouTube (and most other video/music sites)

Good luck everyone :]


Yep. BTW, there's a PS2 emulator for PC that can play SotC in upscaled (correction: genuinely enhanced!) resolution.. so you can cap even better footage if you have an insanely good CPU. it's pretty dang intensive :P

And you have to own a PS2 and a copy of SotC if you wanna do it that way... *wink*

The rules are:

1. All video has to be shadow of the colossus footage or directly related to the game.

2. it has the incorporate the entire wanderer on the offensive song.

3. it has to be KICKASS.

Would making sweeded videos about it count as being related to the game?

Like with Swedes and other things related to Sweden?
I think he's talking Be Kind, Rewind style which would probably be extremely entertaining XD Mega64 already did a sweeded type of thing.. in public, obviously. Good stuff.

Yup, that's the one. Could be very fun, if done properly. An example can be found here.


Well, the thing is that the video is for a pretty specific purpose. I think OA forgot to mention what that is. I won't say anything just in case it's secret or something.. I dunno. He'll probably tell you guys.

I don't mean to keep speaking on OA's behalf, but he also told me the video needs to be "epic and badass". Alright, I'll stop being the middleman now :P


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