Malcos Posted October 14, 2004 Posted October 14, 2004 This is a laid back track, with some 'I don't care' improvisation thrown in. This mix came into my head and I thought it wouldn't work, but by the time I laid it all out, it sounded like a vibe. Maybe it's too laid back, I need to do some upbeat mixes now. Oh and by the way YES
DarkeSword Posted October 14, 2004 Posted October 14, 2004 I didn't think you were allowed to vote on your own mix.
GrayLightning Posted October 14, 2004 Posted October 14, 2004 Technically from what I remember DJP allowed it. But I don't think we really count it officially.
Protricity Posted October 14, 2004 Posted October 14, 2004 Regardless of whether it is allowed or not, it doesn't count as we recently agreed such lackluster decisions should never count. Beyond that, I'm strongly opposed to a judge ever voting on his or her own song. Its just ridiculous.
Protricity Posted October 14, 2004 Posted October 14, 2004 I can definately hear the 'dont care' aspect in the improv. Normally I am all about improv, but this is sooooo lazy. Theres no inspiration here at all. It feels very very random and unskilled. The bass is way too loud. Drums are amature and dont ever change off a single loop. The jazz chords sounded nice at the beginning, but then the loop for the next 4 minutes without changing at all. No key changes. Just nothing going on here at all but weak minimal arrangement. NO
Vig Posted October 15, 2004 Posted October 15, 2004 i enjoy the groove very much, the lead is also quite cool. the biggest problem with this mix that i can hear is the rhythm section. as soon as the piano came in i knew it would bug the hell out of me. jazz pianists dont repeat the same rhythmic pattern. in fact, they often dont even repeat the same chord voicing. mix up the rhythims, mix up the voicings. try some inversions, try some riffs. also, the piano chords dont change with the melody. the harmony is therefore oversimplified. i really like the interludes, they worked quite well. the solos need some work tho. there's also no ending. you might either go with a fadeout vamp or come up with an alternate chord progression taht resolves itself. could be an easy resubmit. just fix the piano and lead sequencing. NO
Liontamer Posted October 16, 2004 Posted October 16, 2004 Cool ideas, Steve. I liked the piano coming in at :18, but the snapping percussion is a bit too loud over this in the long-run. There's actually some charm in the light cymbal work being so audible, so while the snaps would sound better at a lower volume, I like the notable presence of the percussion in your ear. 1:16 sounds vaguely reminiscent of Quinn Fox's style. The move into the freestyle section at 1:54 really does come across as having no structure or thematic connection with the style of the source arrangement. Prot was right in that the bass was way too loud; this was particularly glaring to me from 1:54-2:31; the bass sample was terribly exposed at that point. The move back into Zangief's theme at 2:34 was abrupt and forced. There also wasn't development shown from 2:34-3:11 given that this groove was already established verbatim earlier in the mix. The transition into 3:50 for your finish also sounded wrong to me; also very abrupt and "I give up"-ish. Needs more variation with the percussion patterns and light piano strikes, more fleshed-out ideas with the freeform stuff, some real transitions; spice it up and give the solos more cohesion; the foundations here are good but this needs more work to realize this idea's potential. NO (refine & resubmit)
GrayLightning Posted October 30, 2004 Posted October 30, 2004 Was looking forward to hearing this, as I loved your last submission. As others mentioned, I think the first half is especially weak with the very repetitive piano rhythm parts. I also feel the piano is panned far too wide right. Snare click is indeed a tad loud. Really liked the lead sequencing near the middle parts. The second half is definitely the most well thought out and executed part of the mix. Work on the first half as much as you did with the second half. Very borderline on this, as I love the ideas and the second half of this - I say fix it up a bit and easy resubmit. Just a little more polish and this is ready. No, for now
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