DragonAvenger Posted October 17, 2010 Posted October 17, 2010 ReMixer name: MetalvaniaX Website: http://metalvaniax.blogspot.com Userid: 35926 Remix Title: A Belmont's Curse Name of game arranged: Castlevania II: Simon's Quest Name of individual song arranged: Dwelling of Doom Original soundtrack: Comments: Metal remix of "Dwelling of Doom" (as you could probably guess from the name!). I added my own harmonies, changed some of the riffs a bit, and added some acoustic parts as well. The song is constructed with a beginning, middle and end; it starts fairly close to the original tune, then has an acoustic interlude with a tempo change, before coming back again with an altered riff & solo carrying through from the acoustic section. The song was written and recorded from September '09 to February '10. I spent a few months on-and-off mastering and tweaking, with the final edit done on the 6th of June 2010. Yeah, I'm not the fastest worker... but this was my first time really getting to grips with the software, and the whole "mastering" process. I ended up re-recording the song three times, starting from almost scratch twice cause I wasn't happy with where it was going. I think I'm finally ready to accept it as finished! If there are any problems with getting the files etc. just let me know! Thanks! Andrew ---------------------- I want to start out by saying I'm not sure if the album name "8-Bit Metal Suppository" is painful or awesome. Either way, it caught my attention. The style works pretty well for the source, and I think it's treated nicely. The part that is getting to be is how repetitive this is overall, mostly due to the source itself. I think that maybe condensing some of the ideas overall could achieve the same effect as stretching it out did. The counter-melody in the acoustic section transitioning back into the melody worked out great, and the solo fit very nicely in the track overall. Production is overall pretty good to my ears. Drums were treated nicely, and the patterns work well with the melodies. There was a little crowding between the counter-melody and melody in the acoustic section, but nothing that really detracted from the overall. To me, the repetition is what is really holding this back. I think it is passable as is, though, and hope to hear more from you! YES
OceansAndrew Posted October 26, 2010 Posted October 26, 2010 Starts out pretty coverish, but with some solid playing. Production sounded powerful and clean, and though there were some minor intonation issues in some of the rhythm guitars, overall I was feeling it. I was worried that it'd be too much on the conservative side, but you do expand things pretty well, and though I think the track goes on a little longer than it absolutely needed to, it didn't drag enough to get tedious. Pretty nice first submission, i'm excited to hear more from you Yes
Palpable Posted November 2, 2010 Posted November 2, 2010 Cool arrangement. I was a little bummed that the first section held to the original so closely (and at a slower tempo too, it bordered on sounding sluggish), but starting with the acoustic section and after, it's pretty tight. Nice variety of drums to add dynamics to the early sections. The acoustic build-up section works really nicely, though the playing could have been tighter there. Song goes on a little long and the melody gets tiresome by the end - I would have condensed the last 30 seconds. This sounds like a pass to me, but I would have liked the rhythm guitars to sound a little more stereo-separated, they were competing with the lead guitar at times. They were a little dry too. Just some things to keep in mind next time assuming you get the last vote you need on this - nice work! YES
Liontamer Posted November 13, 2010 Posted November 13, 2010 The main cymbals (first used from :11-:33 & :46-1:07) sounded like white noise, they were so loud and sizzling. That stuff should be pulled back. The other production criticism mentioned by the Js are valid, I'm pretty sure, but they didn't bother me. Other than that, this was pretty strong stuff. I agree with OA that some sections could have been condensed and that the shortness of the source was part of the reason for that. Nontheless, the arrangement really evolved nicely and the dynamic range that followed after the opening 90 seconds was a pleasant surprise. Nice job, Andrew, a lot of people are gonna be loving this. MetalvaniaX, this is one guy to watch! YES
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