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OCR01270 - *YES* Street Fighter 2 'Wrestling with Double Bass' *RESUB*

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http://www.snesmusic.org/spcsets/sf2.rsn - Zangief (well, obviously)

Little detail from the opening: I wasn't too sure on the downward note run on the bass from :15-:18, if that sounded right to me. Sounds more fitting after a few more listens. The piano got punched up compared to the first version, but was a bit too loud and mushed together with the synth guitar lead for the first phrase. Over a few listens it was less of a problem to me, and the piano got scaled back from 1:15 onward. The piano for the beginning would sound better if it had a sharper sound, but again, not too bad. I like how there was more thought and variation put into the percussion as well.

Moving past 1:15, stuff is sounding good though the low-end could have been toned down a bit. I liked the swirling pad deal you had there as it filled up the space well. Nice transition into the more freestyle-ish section at 1:52. I liked 2:11-2:30 more than 1:55-2:11 for your freestyle section. Overall, the whole section tied a lot more closely to the source tune and kept the arrangement aspect I was looking for strong; much much better than what you had before. Not sure about the drop in scale of the notes from 2:06-2:11, but again, ear acclimation. I'd certainly like to hear what the others have to say about those little nitpicks I had. I honestly don't think they're off-notes, but y'all can tell me.

Like I said, much better results with the freestyle work, and the transition back into the more straightforward arrangement at 2:30 flowed a lot better without the abrupt stop and slight tempo change you had before. 2:36 possessed some light, subtle piano support in the back to accentuate that iteration of the Zangief melody; nice touch.

Loved the new/final section starting at 3:07. That teasing fadeout around 3:25 that leaves you wanting another 15 seconds of music. Not a bad thing to me actually, as I felt it was a very strong finish that ended on a good note.

I still would have preferred if the piano sounded cleaner, but it wasn't a big issue. Good job keeping the double bass but toning it down a bit and not leaving it so loud and exposed like last time. These freestyle-type sections flow so much better now, bro. You got those to work a lot closer with the source material and thereby made the arrangement aspect of the mix that much more cohesive.

So I had issue with a couple of those smaller things that I pointed out, and I think the piano was the biggest one for me, but those don't hold this back significantly compared with the arrangement. As you said, Stephen, this was a style that you've never tackled before, and it's not perfect because of that. But after taking several listens to look at the details and then broadly observing the bigger picture, I felt the overall delivery and especially the arrangement strength was now where it needed to be. Glad you resubbed this so quickly. Looking back at my old decision, I felt this would need a substantial amount of work to get over the bar, and was a little worried too many things needed to be worked on. Nonetheless, this literally tackled every concern and suggestion I had and did it well.

One mo' time fo' da double bass!



Never heard the original, but taking this as a stand alone, I really, really enjoyed it. Others will expound upon why this version is better than the previous.

But in the interests of time, I'll just say I really like the laid-backnessness and the above-competant composition.


(read this aloud to the intro bass)

"And now... coming to the stage to give his patented brand of smooth-vodka poetry... Mr. Hip-cat, tight-raps, Zangief."






Still a definately cool groove and a great sound. the form is much better now, the arrangement is great. except the ending. lazy fade out.

this mix could be really good. it's frustrating, because there are maybe two things holding the mix back, and i can HEAR it in my head what it ought to sound like.

the biggest problem is still the piano comping. i remember in the last version it was too simple...whole notes, if i recall. well now it's kinda at the other end of the spectrum. it's rhythmically repetitive and frantic. it sounds mechanical. if you care i would be happy to record a quick piano part to show you what i mean, because the mix sounds good and it's really cool.

i want to hear this completely realized. not yet.



I don't know how to respond to that. Not much else can be said here. :|

Anyway. Very chill, laid-back groove. I adore rimshot the way it's used here; nice interplay between hats and kicks too. There's some subtle stuff going on in that kick. The distorted lead fits nicely in with everything too; it adds a nice contrast, without being out of place. Improv is good enough. My only qualm was that I felt the piano was too loud in the opening, but after a while it blended in.

Nice work man. YES


funky russian

the bass has been the thing mentioned often so far and i have to say i'm lovin da bass. bam in your face. the rimshot is used well, this is very loungy and the percussion and bass really help that...

i do have a problem with the piano... just doesn't sit well with me - either it is too muddy or just frantic like jesse said but i just don't think it works well.

but this grooves too hard and i can't stop enjoying it and that grainy, dirty synth


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