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OCR02130 - *YES* Teen Agent 'Lingering Lust'


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Remix name: Lingering Lust

Genre: Acoustic / Folk

Remixer name: Brandon Strader

Real name: Brandon E. Strader

Email: oinkness@gmail.com

Website: http://brandon.rainwound.com/

User ID: 3123

Game name: Teen Agent

Source: Lovers

Soundtrack: http://www.instaidgrace.com/brandon/teenagent.zip Sorry it's not on the internet so here's the soundtrack (200kb)

Composer / game is on site

I had made a song called With Love for the Teen Agent album which was judged as too liberal. My response to this was a recreation of the Lovers remix, which I have called Lingering Lust. I used minimal orchestra elements to add depth and also to more smoothly follow Vampire Hunter Dan's brilliant song that precedes this one. I wasn't planning for percussion but ultimately chose to put some sparse EWQL RA ethnic percussion along with live tambourine that I recorded here. The orchestra is QLSO. I really love that Oboe sound. There's no bass guitar which I tried to write as cello instead. The acoustic guitars follow the source pretty well, though obviously the chorus interprets the source in a way that is appropriate for acoustic guitar. There's a little solo section right before the end which was a bit of a liberty, but I felt it was needed as a "release" before the ending of the song. Recorded into Cubase 5 with a MXL 991 microphone and a monster cable!


Lovers (.mod)

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I listened to this one yesterday when checking out the larger project, definitely one of the best songs on the album. After a slightly unrealistic intro, the instrumentation is excellent, and this arranges the source very effectively. I think the rhythm guitars could afford to get pushed back and it was a little distracting hearing the rhythm guitars in total stereo. I would have preferred less hard panning since different notes are being played. Those are minor criticisms on an enjoyable track.


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There is no way that I get 'Lingering Lust' from this arrangement. Sounds more like a wedding day to me.

Regardless, there is pretty much nothing I can add to the votes above. Very classy writing here, and it's a nice listen. The mechanical strings and the panning are a little distracting, but not a deal breaker here.


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Nothing but solid stuff here, even taking in mind the legit points on sequencing & panning brought up by the fellow Js. The fade at the very end cut off a little early instead of totally fading to 0, but that was also very minor. A great addition to The Root of All Evil, and hopefully an indication that Brandon's internalizing the level of source usage & interpretation needed to get a sub passed.

Very relaxing. Put it on for your lady. Don't tell her what the title is. :lol:


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