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OCR01268 - *YES* Suikoden 'Cliff the Great Crusader'

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::In big chalky lettering::


Arrr! A'vast ye scurrilous dogs! And listen well! This hear be a submission!

Mixing and Performance: Trenthian

Engineering: Compyfox

Game: Suikoden

Song title: Suikoden - Cliff the Great Crusader OCRemix.mp3 Remix Available hear :

Original- Warrior's Village (on the ost it is number 6 on the second disc, or available hear for a limited time for the judges :



Suikoden has some freaking BRILLIANT material... It’s a shame there are so few OCR's of it on the site... with any luck Ill turn that around.

I wanted to do a lot of stuff with this mix when I started. I wanted to keep it Celtic, I wanted to put the funk in it... I wanted improvisation. I wanted my bass playing to not suck. I wanted massive orchestral (I have discovered some new instruments since FF7 and Breath of fire.) Well at least I am satisfied with the mix.

Because they are AWESOME, I would like the boys at natural studio to get some credit for their work.

They supply Ns-kit6, and NS-kit 7, two of the BEST drumkits in sf2

(soundfont) format I have seen that are free.

They have some great other sounds, but the studio kits are GREAT

"This mix is powered by NS-kit 6"

“This mix is also powered by Compyfox”

I had great fun making this one, and I am using my recorder talents in a lot of music I am working on right now. FEAR THE UPCOMING!

You may disregard ignore the following as it is mostly me rambling about how the mix was made and such.

Some notes about the mix.

I got a bass guitar for Christmas, even though I'm not Christian... and my sister (whom gave me the bass) is Jewish, go figure.

I do not know how to play bass, or even pretend to imagine myself playing something with strings.

But at the time, I wanted to do something with it. So, I wrote up a quick little something... and then that fell apart, ... so then I thought! I know lets destroy some ears. Who better than the chaps at OCR?

Well yeah, so I took some of the music from my favorite Game on the PSX and well... um... after I was done, I was so embarrassed of the result I went on a many month long quest to try to get the bassline better... to no avail.

So hear is the original work, with me playing the bass only two days after I got it. ( I worked on filling out the mix for a few days after I recorded the bass to the rough outline of the mix.)

I spent a LOT of time trying to get a "perfect" one take recording of the bass. I have given up... curse my non string playing fingers. Anyways all because of the delay for a false grail instead of submitting this in early Feb (When the version you are about to hear was finished) I'm submitting it in September!

In mid-September, I got tired of holding out on submission, so I rolled the track to Compyfox, who did after editing and EQ'ing and all sorts. He would have been able to do so much more with it if I sent him neutral tracks, but he worked some pretty decent magic on the track given that it was just the raw wall of sound that was the whole song. He tamed down the Drums. He also eliminated a few of the spots that had clipping in them, and generally warmed the sound up.

You can see what he did in his own Doc hear:


Some other things to listen for.

I play recorder! HUZZAH! I’m playing an alto primarily, (including improvised solo around the melody) there is a quick improvised solo on soprano recorder that I later transcribed and mixed the rest of the orchestra playing along with it. Nothing too special.

The recorders are all done in one take per recorder, as I do not believe in multiple takes, (that just robs the soul from the music.)

While a substantial part of the bass is all done in one take, since I don’t play it... I supplemented it with additional audio takes because I couldn’t keep the clean playing going on for too long.

Oh yeah there is also a sopranino recorder playing alongside the soprano solo, for that extra high pitched ear death. (There are other things like square wave happening too... and there is distortion on both recorders...) I wanted to try a lot of new to me things with this mix while I was doing it.


Pretty cool material with fairly unique sounds, good energy, and an overall catchyness. At :32 (and a couple of other, less noticeable places), the recorder got really shrill, but otherwise the delivery on everything was pretty strong. All of the instrumental elements here came together well, with John's arrangement & Roland's production both being excellent. This was direct post material that just needed to be verified in regards to the source tune, since Compy's link was down, so there you have it. YESs should be so simple.



My only complaint is that the recorder doesn't seem to sit in the mix very well - it sounds a bit separate from everything else, sort of like the effect you get with a karaoke machine...if that makes any sense.

But otherwise, this is a fun, great little mix. Definitely should have been longer, though.


man...I wish I could play the recorder.

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