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Remixer Name: DarkEclipse702

Real Name: Thomas Yee

Email: 4Elementsword@gmail.com

Website: www.youtube.com/DarkEclipse702

Name of Game: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the 7 Stars

Name of Song: Mallow's Sad Song

Name of Remix: Mallow's Lament

Additional Information: Yoko Shimomura composed this, and the game is for the SNES.

Comments: This is basically my orchestral take on this beautiful and heart-rending track from Super Mario RPG. It is inspired by Kyle Landry, whose performed an arrangement of his own on piano. I hope you enjoy!

  • 2 weeks later...

So at first this sounding insanely liberal, but after a bunch of listens, I am starting to hear the connections to the source. What really threw me off were the very ear-catching original parts, so nice work composing those. The variations of the theme were interesting and well done.

The production was a bit of a mixed bag, however. Some of the samples sounded pretty fakey, specifically the strings, and overall, the room sound was pretty far back. The balance was pretty good, but really, it sounded like I was at a recital, and had really bad seats. I'd reduce the reverb on the master channel considerably to the nuances are a little easier to hear.

The arrangement takes some time to wrap your head around but is very good, but the production needs to be tightened up, in both the sequencing and the production. I'd love to hear this again. :-)

No, please resubmit


What struck me first is how distant everything sounded. It felt like the very back of a concert hall, which made everything seem almost live at first, until some of the samples came in and really sealed the deal. The reverb really needs to be toned down here.

As Andrew mentioned, some of the samples are pretty fake sounding, and I feel like it bring the overall arrangement, which is really good in my opinion, down. I'd like for you to work to get things sounding more realistic, and this one would be a pass for me pretty easily.

NO (resubmit)

  • 4 weeks later...

Samples are just not cutting it; very mechanical sounding, particularly the strings.

This is also mixed very quietly and the reverb makes it sound like it's being played very far away.

Arrangement is pretty good but you really need to make this something someone can listen to without having to reach for the volume controls.

NO resub

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