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Hello all. I am uhhh6677 and I'm new here at OC ReMix, and I gotta say, I love this place, so many awesome remixes. Except that there aren't enough Pokemon remixes. So I decided to create a new album, with the help of the great remixers here! I want to make a remix album of Pokemon Gold, Silver, and Crystal. It's a big task, as the soundtrack is near 80 songs, but I think we can pull it off, and that's where you come in. Below is the tracklist and a link to preview the song on Youtube. If you want to do a particular song, PM me with a sample of your work, it can be of the song you want to do, or previous work. I posted the entire soundtrack, but only the bolded ones are allowed, as the unbolded ones are from Red, Blue, and Yellow. So, here's the tracklist:

  1. Intro (Gold and Silver)- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21JQxbHfuVY

  2. Title Screen - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjtPWI5LrOo

  3. Continue -

  4. Welcome to the World of Pokemon - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33RvUn5y-T0

  5. Chat With Mom -

  6. Pokemon Lab -

  7. Radio - Oak's Pokemon Talk
  8. Pokemon Center - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGHCWmIjTso

  9. Wild Pokemon Battle Theme - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j94mSwnqRcc

  10. Wild Pokemon Defeated - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJgl6InMzTE

  11. Pokemon Evolves - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WkteA1z-KU

  12. New Bark Town -

  13. Route 29 -

  14. Routes 46/36/32/34/35/37/40/45 -

  15. Cherrygrove City/Mahogany Town -

  16. Cherrygrove City Tour -

  17. Routes 30/33 -

  18. Chat With Professor Oak -

  19. Rival Challenge -

  20. Rival Battle Theme - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlxT8BcgbZA

  21. Trainer Challenge Theme 1 -

  22. Trainer Battle Theme 1 (Johto Trainer) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pz0LWlTbjTE

  23. Trainer Defeated -

  24. Dark Cave/Slowpoke Well/Ice Path -

  25. Violet City/Olivine City -

  26. Pokemon Gym -

  27. Trainer Battle Theme 2 (Johto Gym Leader) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rrn3y0Rqsg

  28. Gym Leader Defeated - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wb7oJdEvJis

  29. Bellsprout Tower -

  30. Trainer Challenge Theme 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l88VYg1Gzhk

  31. Ruins of Alph/Union Cave/Ilex Forest/Mt. Mortar/Whirlpool Islands/Tohjo Falls -

  32. Ruins of Alph (Inside) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrWinJ4StlU

  33. Trainer Challenge Theme 3 -

  34. Trainer Challenge Theme 4 -

  35. Trainer Challenge Theme 5 -

  36. Azalea Town/Blackthorn City -

  37. Radio - Lucky Channel/Game Corner -

  38. Trainer Challenge Theme 6 -

  39. Trainer Battle Theme 3 (Team Rocket) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nC_VTDfypA4

  40. Trainer Challenge Theme 7 -

  41. Goldenrod City -

  42. Radio - Pokemon Music (Pokemon March) -

  43. Bicycle Theme -

  44. Trainer Challenge Theme 8 -

  45. National Park -

  46. Ecruteak City/Cianwood City -

  47. Dance Theater -

  48. Trainer Challenge Theme 9 -

  49. Surf Theme -

  50. Burned Tower -

  51. Tin Tower -

  52. Routes 38/39 -

  53. Olivine Lighthouse/Silver Cave -

  54. Routes 42/43/44/Lake of Rage -

  55. Rocket Hideout -

  56. Rocket Tower Takeover -

  57. Radio - Unown Tune -

  58. Get Park Balls -

  59. Bug-Catching Contest -

  60. Dragon's Den -

  61. Routes 27/26 -

  62. Radio - Places & People - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sM3r4QX2Qfc

  63. Indigo Plateau -

  64. Mt. Silver -

  65. Lance & Red Battle Theme - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhS66oXrWE4

  66. New Champion -

  67. S. S. Aqua -

  68. Wild Pokemon Battle Theme - Kanto
  69. Vermilion City
  70. Trainer Battle Theme 4 (Kanto Trainer)
  71. Trainer Battle Theme 5 (Kanto Gym Leader) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfzIu1OQyMw

  72. Saffron City/Cerulean City/Pewter City/Viridian City/Cinnabar Island
  73. Radio - Let's All Sing! (Pokemon March) (Same as #42)
  74. Underground Path/Rock Tunnel/Diglett's Cave
  75. Magnet Train -

  76. Lavander Town
  77. Routes 11/12/13
  78. Celadon City/Fuchsia City
  79. Cycling Road
  80. Mt. Moon
  81. Route 2
  82. Radio - Poke Flute
  83. Route 1
  84. Pallet Town
  85. Pokemon Lullaby -

  86. Staff Roll -

  87. The End -

  88. Battle Tower (Inside) (Crystal) -

  89. Battle Tower (Outside) (Crystal) -

  90. Buena's Password (Crystal) -

  91. Eusine (Crystal) -

  92. Raikou/Entei/Suicune (Crystal) -

  93. Intro (Crystal) -

So, 93 minus the 16 excluded tracks brings us to a grand total of 77 tracks. I know some of them are short, but it can still be an awesome album. I plan to release them as separate albums, instead of all at one time. As people get songs done, I will release more details, so PM me your work, and let's get started!

ALSO!!! I will eventually need an artist for album artwork, so if you're good at art, PM me whatever so we can have awesome art with an awesome album!


It should be stated somewhere that it's probably not a good idea for a complete stranger to come in with a loooong tracklist and expect miracles without knowing the culture of ocr and the processes that go into the remixes. I mean, no harm in asking, but I don't think you should go for an OST-wide ambitious behemoth (I'm talking from experience), _especially_ as a newb with nothing to your name on this site.

Also, welcome. :)

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