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*NO* Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening 'Evigilo Insperatus'


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Wassup dudes & dudettes,

Been sitting on this track for a while now, waiting for the Link's Awakening project to get close to release. Got the okay to submit, so, here's the info.

OCR Album: Threshold of a Dream

Song Title: Evigilo Insperatus


Mixer: The Joker

Name: David L. Puga

Email: jtown_music(@)yahoo(dot)com

Website: http://www.facebook.com/pages/David-L-Puga/120504783735



Game: Zelda: Link's Awakening

Song: Dream Shrine


Where do I start. Hm, I began this mix along time ago. Years ago when the LA project was first concieved, whenever that was. The name is latin (we were going to name all the tracks in latin at this point). The name, Evigilo Insperatus, loosely means "to wake up unexpectedly." Like, waking up when you didn't even know you were sleeping. Thought that was fitting considering the game... I hope it means what I think it means.

the guidelines for the project was to make something ambient. So, with this track I wanted to go with a hybrid electronic/orchestral sound. having both of them sound kinda spacey & dream like, while still having a hint of epicness & heroism in it. Hopefully, I achieved it. Not sure if it's up to current OCR standards, as I finished it a long time ago, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. Boomshakalaka!


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Very cool soundscape you've added here in place of the twinkly game boy synths. Some of the progressions seemed a little mechanical and boxy, and though the arrangement is pretty cool, the execution just falls short, I think. Some of the synth choices weren't great, like the countermelody part, and the chord changes weren't smooth with the strings. The beats were nice, and the atmosphere was solid, but it was mostly the sequencing that was the issue, not production or arrangement.

If you can massage the sequencing, have the changes flow better, and reduce some of the mechanical feel, I can totally see this passing. :-)

No, please resubmit

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It took me a while to really work out the source usage in this, but now that I'm hearing it a little clearer, I'm a bit more confident on the arrangement overall. Because this is such an ambient piece, it stands that there has to be a liberal amount of arrangement, and I think people who are more familiar with the source would be more apt to pick up on things that I didn't right away.

Overall, I think Andrew is correct that while the arrangement works, the sequencing is what's holding this back. I think you have it within you to get those things tweaked and bring this back to us.

NO (resubmit)

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