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The only possible redesigns they could do in a year are to change the physical size. A worthwhile redesign would take two to three years - I'm not waiting that long for a brighter screen or whatever nonsense.


Also, Dead or Alive trailer is out.


And that's the number one reason I want one. I've always been very fond of the DoA games, and this one looks (well, from the trailer anyways) like it could be the best yet. Actually, it looks like it's got a lot more going for it than any of the recent console versions... it looks rather ambitious.

I'll be putting my pre-order in soon. Don't know how people can be all like "the launch line-up sucks - I don't want one." What system (apart from the Dreamcast) had a phenomenal launch line-up? There's always enough in a launch to tide me over for a couple of months till the rest of the games start to trickle out. The original DS was no different. There's still downloadable titles to take into account too; I'm sure we'll be seeing some stuff announced in the downloadable arena soon too. They'll want some neat things in there for day one.

I'm just happy that I'll have a handheld with shiny graphics AND a good control system. The PSP was ok, but I've struggled with the PSP controls since day one. The nub was terrible, Sony's D-Pads have always been shitty, stiff and counter-intuitive, and it looks like there's more of the 3DS to fit into my rather large hands.

I'm really looking forward to the 3DS :D

A port of NiGHTS for the 3DS?



3DS to be region-locked (not that that was entirely unexpected).

Well, I have never imported games for any system before, and I don't plan to, but this might affect some of you that do.

So... battery life, no info on price, always on wi-fi, lacking launch title list... Hopefully the US launch is a lot better... but considering it's only a month after the Japanese launch, I'm not holding my breath.

I think I'll wait until the system is out, people have had a chance to see what its limits are (don't want to get the version with any design or build flaws, after all), and then get one when the games I want are out. OoT and Icarus won't be out until summer anyway...


I expected the region lock announcement. The pics that showed what the games look like had this little tab at the top, and that sort of software design always indicates region lockout.

The question is whether its region locked in the same way SNES systems were region locked (modding involving simply snapping off two little plastic pieces inside the system allowed you to play everything). Also, this doesn't indicate whether the 3DS's DS backward compatibility suffers from the same thing. It doesn't matter much if you have a DS Lite or whatever, but if you are planning on selling your Lite and getting a 3DS, this might cause you to think again.

I'm a bit pissed about the region locking thing, though. Tales games don't come out in the US very often, requiring an import. Also, games like Jump Ultimate Stars will never see the light of day in North America due to licensing issues, so it's nice to be able to import such titles. Relatedly, I just ordered Prince of Persia HD collection for PS3 from Europe because I want the disc and case for it, not just the digital download.

IMO, region lockouts have to go. Every DVD player can be hacked to make it region-0, and the only reason people buy stuff from other countries usually is because, like the examples I named above, there's no chance in hell of them coming out in their country. In short, until companies release all of their games globally, region lockouts are just a huge pain in the ass.

As for launch games, they of course have not been announced yet for North America. Based on the Japanese launch, I'm expecting the whole Japanese lineup (with Street Fighter being the standout), and a worldwide release of Zelda. That meshes with a recent statement by Nintendo's president suggesting that there will be a steady stream of games for the 3DS in a change of strategy from the Wii and the original DS. Plus, a game like Zelda would do really well on launch day in North America; early adopters are largely going to be Nintendo geeks anyway, so why not cater to their unquenchable thirst for Zelda?


So... battery life, no info on price, always on wi-fi, lacking launch title list... Hopefully the US launch is a lot better... but considering it's only a month after the Japanese launch, I'm not holding my breath.

Wait, what? when was this said? It has a wifi switch on the side...


I know, I meant that it's on by default. Both StreetPass and SpotPass are on full-time by default. If you don't turn them off, you'll drain that battery dry even faster.

But then, if it's off, you can't StreetPass with other people to get all those extras. But it will drain the battery faster.

I'm really hoping that Nintendo clears up the battery thing. Using translating sites doesn't really help, and they never specifically stated anything about settings.

If it's 3 to 5 hours with everything maxed out, but more like 10 or so with low screen brightness and wifi off, then fuck yeah, that's way more acceptable.

I know, I meant that it's on by default. Both StreetPass and SpotPass are on full-time by default. If you don't turn them off, you'll drain that battery dry even faster.

But then, if it's off, you can't StreetPass with other people to get all those extras. But it will drain the battery faster.

I'm really hoping that Nintendo clears up the battery thing. Using translating sites doesn't really help, and they never specifically stated anything about settings.

If it's 3 to 5 hours with everything maxed out, but more like 10 or so with low screen brightness and wifi off, then fuck yeah, that's way more acceptable.

Heck, considering what the 3DS is doing when it's maxed out, 3 - 5 hours is AMAZING.


The PICA200 chipset the 3DS is using supposed to be a low power processor. I can understand the 3D screen would use some power, but really, it doesn't add up in my mind. I'm not an electrical scientition, so this means nothing to me, but according to wikipedia, it uses 0.5 to 1.0 millwatts per hertz. That doesn't seem like fuckall.

I honestly can't see a Nintendo portable only running for such a small amount of time.

Mind you, there is one thing that has been mentioned and almost forgotten: Iwata said back around E3 that they were aiming for comparable battery life to that of a DSi. However, check this out:


Nintendo claimed the DSi would run for around 4 hours, but that was under the highest settings. Are they doing the same with the 3DS? If so, we may see far better battery life, which is a solid "fucking sold!" for me.

I guess I'll just have to wait until people get their hands on them and we see the real world results.

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