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Battletoads & Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team - Kung-FuNKED 76% complete

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Yo, guys! You probably know me as "dj bigwheel" or "warrior kin". (sucky names, i know.) Im going to post this remix in here and also in the collab section later.

I didn't add any solos yet. Thats the main reason why im also going to post this in the collab section... obviously!

check it out!


Give me some feed back as well, and i'll add more and modify it if you like.

I made many attempts at this before, but i hope this will be more successfull of a remix.

Edit: heres the original, i forgot


BT & DD... now THAT is a game that doesn't have enough remixing love, around here.

Unfortunately, it's difficult to download the track from that webhost, for me, so I can't give any meaningful commentary, right now. I'll try again later, or you could use a more easily accessible host.

I dunno, it could just be me. From the 12 seconds that I got, though, it's a good start... but then the D/L cut me off :(.


Mmm, the second level. Sexy - you've got some real groove going down here, and I like it. You took a track that was funky and upped the funk, bigtime.

I like the direction you took, and I like the soundscape. Because of how awesome most of it is, though, there are a few instruments that just don't sound up to the par that you set, here. At about 1:30, for example, there's a square that just doesn't seem to fit into the track, too well. It's not a terrible synth, it just doesn't seem to work, for me. The keyboard synth at 2:00 sounds a bit low-fi for the track, so I'd recommend looking for something else.

The track after 2:30 seems to get quite repetitive. I'm assuming that's what you mean by '42% finished', there, so I can't wait to see what you'll do with the track. I'm loving it quite a lot, here - it's even inspiring me to finish making the adjustments to my own BT+DD track that I've been meaning to make for months, lol.

At about 1:30, for example, there's a square that just doesn't seem to fit into the track, too well. It's not a terrible synth, it just doesn't seem to work, for me.

well, its actually a certain part of level 2 from the nes version, but with no triangle bass. same for the beginning, thats also another "chip clip" from the nes version of level 2 of bt&dd.


The Bad:

The sax at 3:04 isn't very convincing. That sound would do VERY WELL in this mix, but what you've got isn't up to par with the rest of your mix. I'm sure you could tweak it to fit better, or I'm sure there's collab artists who would gladly wail on a sax for you.

Sometimes I feel like the drums get a tad boring, but just when I get that feeling, you change it up. I'm not really sure if I'd mess with the drums a bunch, because the groove is awesome. Every once in a while it feels flat. I think I'm being overly critical though, so take this piece of critique lightly.

*EDIT* Actually, I changed my mind after the second listen. Listening to the effects and the subtle rhythmic changes more closely definitely changed my mind. Sweet work man.

The Good:

Dude, that intro is slick. I *love love LOVE* that electric piano sound.

The buildup from the intro is so smooth I didn't have a clue what I was getting into. You know, all the headbobbing and psychedelic lightshow stuff.

1:59 was a nice changeup. I like that the kick drum has a lot of depth, but it's not overly boomy. This part rocks my socks. The only complaint is that you build up such an awesome beat and groove here, but I don't feel like you really punch it with a sick lead line. The ambient groove works, but I think you could really make this section shine and hit hard with a sharp sax or some other hard edged instrument.

The syncopated synth pops at 2:26 are a very nice touch and the bassline here is well preserved yet nicely customized. Aaaaaand you brought that sexy piano back.

The production and filtering of the drum parts is enough to keep it lively and entertaining. Good job!

Other Thoughts:

Dude seriously, I could grove to this all day. You have some excellent stuff going on here. There are a few production details to attend to, mainly the sax sound, but overall the sound is good. It definitely feels funky. Great work man. Can't wait to hear your next update.


I'll mirror what was said about the sax. As said before, it could be very fitting, but there're two issues at play, here. First, the sample is not up to par, here. The second issue is simply that it occurs too late into the track, so it sounds rather arbitrary, at this point. If you want sax (and I'd say you should include that sexy, sexy sax) I'd highly recommend incorporating it early and often. It could very well be that missing piece to change a sexy groove into a full-fledged song with melodic development and such. That instrument would be the perfect choice for that sort of overlay.

I will also second the suggestion that you get a live performer to do this. I think Xeon Odyssey would be willing to contribute his talent, if you want to know where to start looking.

There are parts with some really heavy stereo separation. It might be just me, but I feel it's a little too strong. Tone it down a notch and I think it'll work great.

That said, that's the only problems I hear. This is one hell of a tight piece you've got going, here, and I'm happy that I got to hear it :mrgreen:.

Great work!


I'm listening on $5 speakers so can't comment really on the mixing. This is very groovalicious. I think it could use some vocals though. I could probably pull something off in this style if I have lyrics. Just bandpass the shit out of it. ;p Autotune wouldn't even be that bad if it's used in moderation. Though halfway through the song it seems to lose some energy and sounds kind of lame. It starts sounding more cheesy and less funky. It definitely needs something else to glue it all together, but I like where it's going. The drum fill at 3:15 sounds out of place without much else going on in the arrangement.

I definitely like the filtered saxophone and change of percussion around the 4:00 mark. Could have used a transition like that earlier in the song though. If you bring that transition in earlier, you can throw in another fill and move it into an even bigger juicier beat. That should keep the song moving along better.

  • 4 weeks later...

So, since I've been name-dropped and whatnot...

I really dig the groove you have going on here, but what are you looking for in terms of the sax? You have a specific place in mind (such as the ending of the one WIP), or are you just looking for me to improvise over the top of it? I'll have to admit that I don't feel too highly about my improv chops to have a significant part, although if that's more or less what you are looking for I would probably write out something that would be effective and tailor it to any specifics you have.

A lil' more info plz kthnx!


I can just imagine this song being played at a high-end hotel in the lobby, or as a song for a fashion commercial. Very nice intro, and the build-up is spectacular. My only complaint would be that the ending seemed to die on me. After this upbeat and boom-tastic mix is grooving for about 4 minutes, the ending just sort of fades away. of course, once you update the sax, I'm sure it will be amazing.

Edit: after hearing it a second time, this time with headphones, I think the ending is better than I thought, but still needs a new sax part and a better fadeout.

  • 2 weeks later...
I can just imagine this song being played at a high-end hotel in the lobby,

I know, right?! At the beginning, to me at least, it sounds just like groovy elevator music.

Just imagine if you use the elevators in BTDD, it would play that same beginning music soundscape, and then the song would get back into groove again when your done using that elevator!

It's like going up levels and stages in both ways inside one whole freakin' level!!! That would be Awesomopottamus!! :lol:

  • 1 month later...
So, since I've been name-dropped and whatnot...

I really dig the groove you have going on here, but what are you looking for in terms of the sax? You have a specific place in mind (such as the ending of the one WIP), or are you just looking for me to improvise over the top of it? I'll have to admit that I don't feel too highly about my improv chops to have a significant part, although if that's more or less what you are looking for I would probably write out something that would be effective and tailor it to any specifics you have.

A lil' more info plz kthnx!

yes put it in the end part.. also put another in the where the e.piano and guitar meet at about 2:40 perhaps

what type of audio track software do u use?


If I get this done before the end of May, I'll probably use Pro Tools at my school's studio. But if you just let me know where to play something, it'll be a lot easier for me to just listen and play along with the track.

THAT SAID, however; I probably won't get to this until April or so, only because I have a senior recital at the end of the month which is pretty much taking all of my time nowadays (I've missed several project deadlines because of it as well). So sorry on the wait, but real life takes priority!

  • 2 weeks later...

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