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Hello, My username on OCR is Urafaerie. Back in August I sent in one of my remixes called Summoner's Pact from the game Tales of Symphonia. It has been over two months now and I still see no judgement on the song, I do not see it on the *to be judged* section of the Judging Forum.

I would just like to know if my song is still in processing to be judged.

You can reach me at Phaty000@excite.com

P.S. The song is on Soundclick if needed:

Thanks for your time and hope you reply!

  • 2 weeks later...


Jeez man, lay off a little on that reverb. It's ugly, thick, and causes clipping and other bad stuff. Production is pretty bad all around. There's some weird phasing going on with the percussion, like you're using some kind of doubling reverb.

The percussion part is badly written too. The single snare hits don't pack any punch; they're just an annoyance.

There's no balance between instruments here. It sounds like you just went and tried to fill up the soundscape as much as possible. Focus your parts and adjust levels accordingly.

Needs work. NO


http://www.snesmusic.org/spcsets/top.rsn - "Fighting of the Spirit" (top-221.spc)

http://www.tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/ToP_psf.rar - 221 "Fighting of the Spirit"

I've got a copy of the source tune as it appears in Tales of Symphonia, and it you judged it on that, the arrangement was alright. Listening to the Tales of Phantasia versions of the source tune, especially the PSX one, I felt like the arrangement was too conservative, but it's still ok by me I suppose. There are some good things going on there. I've got good memories of the source tune from John Dough's phone call from VGF22!

But anyway, (while I didn't mind the snare drum shots) everything DarkSword pointed out is true. Hit up the ReMixing & WIP forums and get some tips on how to get the sound balance where it needs to be. It sounds really cluttered and muddy at the moment, but can be hooked up with some more work.

NO (rework/resubmit)


way too much reverb.

on top of that the mixing is unbalanced. the flutes are too loud, i cant hear anything else. clipping at 1:15. the strings in the back play a cool rhythm part, but i cant hear it most of the time. all the samples sound bad because of too much reverb. especially the percussion.

i think that's enough.



Opening is a bit Philip Glass-ish- cool. But man, the other's weren't kidding about the production, this thing has waaaay too much reverb and there are numerous balance issues. The production makes this a no-go right from the get-go, unfortunately.


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