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Final Fantasy 6 - Dancing Mad Final Form in Metal

Caer Seraphim

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Caer Seraphim - Angelic Kefka (work in progress)

This is a lite-metal version of the final battle with Kefka that I've been tinkering around with for the last month or so. I think one of my next plans is to change around the second part after it repeats, clear out some of those instruments and replacing it with a more original-sounding guitar solo or something to that effect. Anyway, this is my first post on this site. Any feedback one can offer? Do be kind.:wink:

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... A title that says 'Final Fantasy 6 - Dancing Mad Final Form in Metal', and people didn't come pouring in so check it out? Damnit, what is this forum coming to?! Let's hear what you've got going, here.

Strong start, here - Kefka's Tower with screaming and a solid beat. Some of the synths (like the climax synths) are lo-fi, but otherwise it's pretty epic. Loved it.

Then the guitar comes in.

That guitar is terrible. I mean 'I-need-to-rip-my-eardrums-out' terrible. A shame, because the remix has potential. Please get better synths or (ideally) a guitar player.

The synths are all over the place. The volumes + qualities are inconsistent, but for the most part they're very thin and low quality.

The drums are almost non-existent (except for the synth bass, while neat, are way overused). Get a variety of sound in here.

The bass is actually really cool sounding. I couldn't hear it the first time around, but upon hearing it it's pretty cool.

Overall, while conservative, I think it's a cool arrangement. You need to work through the soundscape problems that I mentioned, though. I hear quite a few awesome ideas (as well as possibly one of the best intro ideas ever), but the instrument quality doesn't do this justice. You should look in some of the tutorials on this site in order to find better samples. Don't take the criticism too hard - I wouldn't be hard if I thought it was a lost cause. There is a cool remix under the production quality, so let's see if you can bring it out.

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Seraphim, production is kind "strange" to me. Don't get me wrong, but your track somewhere "far" from my ears. Reverb, normalize or mastering-balance problem imo.

Bass-line awesome! I like sound and how it goes. But somewhere "far", as I said before.

Guitars.. I don't hear any guitars here.. If you want to use fake guitars, you should listen Roe Taka's Metal Slug RMX.

Drums, effects, arrangement - great! I don't know source..

Nice work! But if you want to claim something "METAL".. Make it powerful and realistic(loud - not necessary) or cheap-fake but loud and distorted.

Good Luck!!

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Through pure mistake on this night, I listened to it again on a different program with no "rock" filter from Winamp, and LORD, does it sound wildly different in some respects. I'm gonna have to take this into account. I'll be back to post a new version in another week or two, and I'll try to reference your comments for guidance. Thanks for the feedback! I'm a n00b in terms of remixing, lacking experience and simply extracting enjoyment out of the process thus far. -EDIT- My other program had a different sound filter on it. Turns out the normal version is in between. No worries. My previous statement stands. -/EDIT-

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