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LT Edit - Original Decision: http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=37962

Remixer name: metaphist

Real name: Paul Ford

Email: metaphist@hotmail.com

Forum ID: metaphist

Game: Ikaruga, ch. 5 theme ("Metempsychosis" by Hiroshi Iuchi) Dreamcast and Gamecube, copyright Treasure 2001

My first attempt entitled "Polarity Break" was rejected. Its been a while but I'm back with a totally revised piece. The first submission was obviously rushed but I took a lot of time with this version, taking much advice from board members both here and at VGMix, and I feel good about it this time around.


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  • 2 weeks later...

You hear where most of the arrangement comes from if you fast forward to 1:18 of the source, by the way.

Phat beats here. Very nice bass action. The melody is unbelieveably low and obscured. You're gonna have to bring it up, as it's drowned out at all times. I was waiting for some new melodic stuff to come in prominently to make up for this, but it never happened. In those respects, things become a bit better at 2:17 when you have the vox come in, but that's too low in volume most of the time as well. Same with the melody at 2:59.

You can hear differences in the composition beyond the 3-minute mark, but everything's feeling way too unstructured. The arrangement kind of treads water, especially with no prominent melody there. These cute little belltone synths are always too low, but then again aren't exactly what should be carrying a melody. Nonetheless, it would help to hear one. 3:53-4:20 (and argueably earlier as well) comes off as aimless as a result. It literally feels like it has nothing in particular to express.

Hot idea for the vox doing the countdown at 4:20. Panning the countdown hard left & hard right each time was cool, but bring up the volume on them a bit. Really wanted to YES this one, but you're gonna have to work for it a little bit more.

The messed up sound balance is killing this one. If the sound combinations had a proper balance, this wouldn't sound directionless a lot of the time, since the track is dominated the by basslines, drums & strings. Please post this one in the WIP forum and get more feedback. Don't do it for me, anyway. Do it for Maddox. He's wanted an Ikaruga remix here for a while, I'm sure. I'll be keeping this one.

NO (rework/resubmit)

  • 2 weeks later...

I don't really feel any kind of pull coming out of the melody. It's just there. Everything in this mix, while mixed well, still feels like a separate entity. Timpani, strings, what are those guys doing? Nothing but playing rhythms that have nothing to do with the melody. With such a weak melodic line, you should be trying to accent with with your other voices. This remix feels like it's just going through the motions. There's no intensity here. I'm sorry, I'm not feeling it.


  • 2 weeks later...

I liked the first version of this mix, unfortunately I don't like what this second version has resulted in as much.

Yeah I pretty much agree the main flaw here is this has so many ideas crammed into this mix and it keeps jumping around from one idea to another.

But this has a lot of fuzz/clipping/audio issues going on throughout the mix. Does anyone else hear this? Bottom end is way too heavy in my opinion and drags the balance down.

Awesome intro though with the cello/double bass short bows, kick, synth bells. You definitely show a lot of promise. Polishing up your compositional and execution ideas right now seems to be your main weakness.



Samples and sound quality are much better than in the first version, but we have new problems this time around. Tonal and key issues abound with the mish-mash of orchestral and acoustic sequencing. I don't care about the melody being obscured, as this results in nice chillax, but the strings, timpani, and bells create a mess. I do like the bass, but the low frequencies are messy as well, creating the fuzz Gray refers to.

As I suspected, the original is much cleaner, more melodic, and complex. Perhaps you should practice with simpler source material before trying on big game.


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