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*NO* Earthworm Jim: Special Edition 'Use Your Mind'


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Hello! The link to my entry submission is here:

My Remixer name is Dyka.

My E-mail is DykaOfLight@gmail.com

I remixed a song from the Sega CD game, Earthworm Jim: Special Edition.

I remixed the song, Use Your Head, from the pre-level of the last level.

The composer for most (maybe all) of the songs on Earthworm Jim is Tommy Tallarico. I'd provide a link to the original song, but I don't have a reliable location for it.

When I first heard Use Your Head, I was like, "Dude..." That was back when the game had first come out back in 1995. Today, I've developed a hobby of composing music, and now I have remixed the song, yay!!

The idea I had for the song was to use the main verse in it after a nice slow intro. As you'll hear, the second half has a sharp fall, and can be compared to Jim, our hero, having finished off Queen Slug-A-Butt, and now the credits are rolling (even though the credit music is nothing like this). I decided to use the piano in a different way, and gave it the pattern normally used by the Sytrus.

And the final part is the climax of the song. That is all.


With Respect,

Evan McKinney

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Can obtain the source, but it doesn't really matter unfortunately. Some of the sounds are alright, like the glassy stuff used to open the track up. Otherwise most of the other sounds here are generic & flat in their delivery, making for a very boring performance. The low-end gets pretty muffled at 1:11. Really repetitive background with the keyboard's sixteenth notes. Hitting the same old stuff at 2:55, this just doesn't go anywhere notable. The cymbals coming in at 3:11 are a superficial addition. Really plodding. The mix description implied the presence of dynamics, but they were nowhere to be found here.


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There are a great deal of audio problems here. Light compression and limiting on the master bus would at least solve some of the problems in the mix. The arrangement and execution is a bit lacking on the whole. Instrumentally it's a bit simplistic and compositionally repetitive. Like the piano pattern. I suggest going back and reconsidering the mix from both compositional and production methods. There are some nice things here. I particularly liked the glassy pad from the beginning sections. I hope to hear more from you in the future, but this needs more work. Better luck next time. NO

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