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*NO* King's Quest 3 'Uknowing Heir'


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name: MusicallyInspired

game: King's Quest 3

remix name: Uknowing Heir

email: shine64@rocketmail.com

website: http://www.geocities.com/shine64.rm/

Loved the King's Quest adventures. I started making a remake of it with some friends and I was doing the music. This is as much as I did before we eventually canceled the project. Thought I'd send it in.



Email for MSN Messenger - shine62@hotmail.com ICQ (don't use much) - 41914835



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http://www.queststudios.com/edmidi/kq3ed1.zip - Introduction Theme

Please try and provide source tune information, so we can compare what you have to what inspired it. I know it's an old Sierra game, but try to hook it up. The source MIDI I found sucks. Try not to listen past :52 of it.

Anyway, not to discredit the submitter, but I could only find the source tune for the second half beginning at 2:21 here, and that's a cover, so while I can't identify the first half of the track, it's somewhat safe to say it doesn't take many risks (otherwise it would be wholly original).

The first half, up to 2:21, was actually pretty strong for MIDI work. I personally think it needs more work to make the most out of the format, but it wasn't bad. Again, I'm merely guessing this held fairly fast to whatever it was derived from, but otherwise it sounded fairly decent.

From 2:21 on though, the GM sound is pretty exposed, especially on account of the woodwind carrying the source melody. Everything is incredibly thin, including the string activity way in the back at 3:37. Things just don't sound good at all. It's certainly a step up from the source tune I found (which sounds like ass, God bless it), but it's not up to par here.

I've never heard Dr. Fruitcake attempt to create realistic orchestral sounds, but I'd still beg him for some tips on how to create fuller sounds. Besides, if you wanna get a MIDI grade remix on OCR, it's also gonna have to be way more interpretive with the source material than what I found, for example, in the second half here.


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Rather uninspiring GMidi-ish sounds here. Now, I believe that it's possible to get passed with poor samples, but it really needs to be a standout arrangement. And unfortunately that isn't really the case here. The arrangement isn't horrible but it certainly doesn't transcend the cheesy samples. I'd highly recommend looking into upgrading your sounds, you can get much better quality than this without having to spend any money.


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the percussion samples sound OK

but that brass sounds like it's off one of the super metroid spcs.

i don't quite get the form of this one, it starts off all big and farefare-y and then goes down slowly...

until we get to some baroque-influenced guitar & flute...

it plods along for a while and then ends?

kinda anti-climactic. leaves me unsatisfied.


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I found this enjoyable, despite its many failings. It really reminded me of a lot of early 90s american game music. I actually thought the arrangement was quite good, although certainly not enough to overcome the average samples. The form is also a bit strange, but after several listens I actually got accustomed to it and got to appreciate it.

It's a nice arrangement, but the production both in samples and processing is a let down. OCR standards don't require thousand dollar production tools and methods, however you can easily find free samples of much higher quality than this, like 64-256 MB GM soundfonts. Finally while I liked the intimacy here, reverb would have helped spice up the samples a bit.

Close, but no cigar. I hope you consider polishing this up for a resubmission. NO

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