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Well. I like it. But to post one of those 'well I like it' responses to a blue magic track is pretty useless as far as crits go. So Let me poke out what I don't like.

You have a great intro here, Nice and full. But you need an idea to really set this off flying. You gotta nail something down~! The snare and bass give you a real concert feel to the piece, rather than a drum set feel, maybe run with that, bring in a nice full sound in orchestra/band forum. Also, the aux perc. group (<3<3<3 AUX PERC.!) has a huge roll in this... I want that to continue thru the production phase! Give me a bell part! or a vibraphone part! MAKE IT happen! <3 LOVE the panning. It just need that explosion of THERE IT IS! at this point.

Sound is good, balance is good, eq is good. Amateur stuff fer you I'm sure <3. Just a short WIP.


Thanks, hewhoisiam.

I am attempting to take this mix in a direction people wouldn't expect (you'll see what I mean), so in this update, I added a couple of new sections that will expand on the source tune a little more and I added a quiet, ambient section with a glitchy bell. I'm not really planning on doing a full orchestra type mix, but kind of a hybrid of genres.

I'm still thinking about what I'm going to do next after the ambient section, so stay tuned.




I like it, I hear glitch in there, I've been playing with that myself, but it doesn't sync up right in cakewalk which is kinda a bummer for me. Anyways, I don't like the tapestop effect that I hear a few places on those bells at that quiet section. tapestop can be a neat effect, but it just feels off there. 1:14 & 1:21 That's pretty much my opinion tho. Take with grain of salt.

I like the wubwub bass. It reminds me of dubstep type bass with the automated cut off. Thing is, it's so powerful that it makes your bass drum from the snare/bass intro sound kinda weak. It's got a great sound (bass drum) maybe tweak it so it has some more punch in the lows.

1:30 There's... Something there in the high frequencies that hurts is much ouch. Kinda quiet, but very high frequency. Not sure what it is. EEEP! It's at 0:18 also!

I'll try to follow this track, good stuff! :grin:

1:30 There's... Something there in the high frequencies that hurts is much ouch. Kinda quiet, but very high frequency. Not sure what it is. EEEP! It's at 0:18 also!

I'll try to follow this track, good stuff! :grin:

Thanks for telling me about that. I honestly wouldn't have noticed it otherwise. I took care of it.


mmm coming along nicely. I like the changes to the drum.

This is more of an observation than anything, take with a grain of salt. The pad sound that you have to kinda fill in the space throughout this piece is panning pretty heavy. It also comes in and out volume wise. This makes it fun and interesting to listen to, but it also means that it can leave the sound scape emptier than you may intend in places. Don't get me wrong, this has a nice full sound to me. And I'm not talking any huge boomy major new pad sound needs to be added. But might could use some little something to kinda fill in the space. EX: 0:53, 1:15, 1:24, and so on.

Hope that helps


Aiee! The updated remix WIP link has expired/been deleted. Can you repost it?

Mediafire has been acting retarded lately.

It seems to be working for me, at least for now. Can someone verify this?

I might open up a SoundCloud account if I keep having trouble.




I'd say its about 90% finished, but I wont be posting anymore updates after this one. The final version will either be on OCR's front page, or on my YouTube page (if the judges don't pass it.)

I've made a few changes to the EQing again and I tried to minimize the panning effect on the background pads. I kinda like the panning, but it started to drown out other instruments. I also added another section and I'm planing to add a more defined climax before closing it all out.

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Your dubby wubby bass thing from 0:50 and on feels a bit too bright, its highs drawing attention that the piano and other instruments should have at that point. Maybe it's just me, but I don't know whether the piano or the dubwub is the focus of the arrangement.

2:02, that plucked string thing, possibly a guitar. I know you like it, you use it a lot... but it doesn't sound human. Seems like it's either difficult to humanize, or you don't care. :P I mean, even if it's a dulcimer or something like that, it'd be more dynamic that it is now. Maybe I'm just not hearing the dynamics in it properly. Perhaps make your sampler filter the softer notes a bit?

The source is long and tricky to wrap my head around, but I hear source. If it's too liberal, then... something. idunno, maybe my occasional source-deafness is getting in the way of learning sources. Maybe I haven't heard enough mixes of this to remember source parts from the remixes. Could be too liberal, but I can't tell.

A couple of mixing edits and a humanization effort and you should be good, afaik. Chill stuff, as usual. :D


Thanks Rozo.

I understand your point about the wubby bass. It was one of those things I added at the last minute and thought "Hey this is kinda cool." Maybe I overdid it a bit. I can tone it down some, no problem. I plan to leave a little high end on it, but it wont be as bright. The piano is suppose to be the focus and the wub,close behind.

The guitar is a NI vst sample that I've never used (I usually use soundfonts). I purposely dumbed it down. It is kinda meant to sound mechanical for this remix. Plus, I have it playing through the dblue glitch VST, adding retriggers, delays, and reversing notes, so I didn't really want to focus on it too much. Originally, I wanted to use a bright harp, but I couldn't find anything decent sounding.

As for the source, I am actually more faithful to it in this remix than I have been in almost all of my others, but I did do some rearranging. I guess that's what makes it so difficult to pin down.

Just wanted to drop in and tell you this is awesome man :smile: I love your music and this is one of your most solid remixes to date. Nailed it!

Thanks, man!

I know you made that post last year, but I honestly didn't notice it until now. :oops: Sorry bout that.

The guitar is a NI vst sample that I've never used (I usually use soundfonts). I purposely dumbed it down. It is kinda meant to sound mechanical for this remix. Plus, I have it playing through the dblue glitch VST, adding retriggers, delays, and reversing notes, so I didn't really want to focus on it too much. Originally, I wanted to use a bright harp, but I couldn't find anything decent sounding.

lol, I totally thought it was one of your usual sounds. It's very much in line with what you usually do, how you usually sound. Consistency, for better or worse. :P

But why's it supposed to be mechanical and "dumbed down"? Even with the glitch effects, wouldn't a more humanized source sound still sound better?

lol, I totally thought it was one of your usual sounds. It's very much in line with what you usually do, how you usually sound. Consistency, for better or worse. :P

But why's it supposed to be mechanical and "dumbed down"? Even with the glitch effects, wouldn't a more humanized source sound still sound better?

Well, the guitar is just basically strumming a simple melody, it's not really playing a solo or anything fancy, but I suppose I can vary the note velocities a bit and tweak the EQing to try to make it sound better. As, I mentioned earlier I wanted a harp, but I couldn't find a good one. So I tweaked a soft sounding, nylon string guitar sample to put in it's place.

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