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This is sick; I haven't even played FFVII but I feel some sort of connection to these tracks nonetheless. That's the mark of a good album, I think. I might splurge and buy the physical release, the 14 dollar pricetag is a bit steep for someone on a $0 a year income, but if the rest of the music is this good, I'd say it's warranted :-)

Counting down the days on this!

This is sick; I haven't even played FFVII but I feel some sort of connection to these tracks nonetheless. That's the mark of a good album, I think. I might splurge and buy the physical release, the 14 dollar pricetag is a bit steep for someone on a $0 a year income, but if the rest of the music is this good, I'd say it's warranted :-)

Counting down the days on this!

i hear ya man... happy to say for those on a budget like myself, there's a free version with 8 tracks on it circulating around the net right now...I don't want to link to my own forum out of respect, but its there :)

sidebar-- you're in Mesa? just come to my show at Hidden House in Phoenix Feb 4, and I'll have one for ya there :)

  • 2 weeks later...

Received this today. Solid work.

EDIT: It's too bad this thread got moved from the Community forum to Workshop...cuts the already limited exposure this album would be receiving here.

  • 2 weeks later...

...WOW. I have to admit, I wouldn't have thought something like this would work. My one criticism is that the Aerith mix was pretty choppy when you changed background tracks.


I really enjoyed this Album, moreso than most of the album-work on OCremix itself including the FFVII tribute album.

A few of these tracks really pop though to me, Mako Reactor, Crys of the Planet, and Absolute take some of my favorite songs and really mix up the samples nicely into something I can bump anytime. In the gym, on the run, in my car, whatever!

One or two of these songs really kick the nostalgia factor into highgear. Tifa's theme literally brought me back to the very instant I walked into the sector seven for the first time, a feeling i never thought i'd have again. I'm sure I'm not the only one who could recall event's unfolding as they listened to Aerith's theme, even if the transition left something to be desired.

To be perfectly honest, MegaRan, you made One Winged Angel listen-able again. After so many remixes I thought I'd never hear something that would refresh the source material without altering it so much it was unrecognizable. The only qualm was the ending wasn't as dynamic as I would have liked, it goes straight into the ending narrative and just doesn't let the song echo out totally. Kinda feels like it was rushed ontop.

Appreciate the extra track at the end though! Recommended the album to a few friends. I'd like to see what you do with Xenogears, or at least The One Who Is Torn Apart. Cant wait for the next one.

  • 2 weeks later...

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