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OCR Judges,

Remixer: Big Giant Circles

Name: Jimmy Hinson

Email: biggiantcircles@gmail.com

Site: www.biggiantcircles.com

Remix: "Club Showdown", taken from original theme "Godown" from the game Unreal Tournament.

This is your typical club/techno mix. Kind of a new thing for me--club, that is. I thought it'd be fun to do, and unlike my last submission, Anthem of a Metroid Hunter, this one was quite a bit easier to work on. I don't listen to a lot of club music, so I kept the structure of this one pretty simple. Just your basic 4-bar progression here. I think I've thrown in plenty of the source tune, along with some new fun lil' melodic riffs of my own to make it fun enough for those who already know the source tune, and also maintain submission standards. I do admit, I'm guilty of extensive intros--just seems to be my thing apparantly. The source doesn't make it's appearance until 1:04 and the song doesn't really bust out into it's full "clubness" until 1:25, but I don't think it's slow enough in coming that the listener gets bored/impatient for the song to "get moving"--I think I made it interesting enough to carry the song to that point. I did my best to not over-compress, like I usually do, and I think the mastering is close enough to accurately be called a club mix (more or less).

Anyway, this song makes me want to do one of three things: jump into a game and start fraggin', head to the club, or just tap my foot and sit and waste away in front of the internet. All in all, it's not my greatest musical feat, but it's enjoyable enough that I can be solid and secure enough about listening to it. At least, I don't think I'll look back on it in a year or two and wince to myself thinking "Man, I really sucked when I made this." (And hopefully most people will agree...) Anyway, I hope you enjoy it.

ReMix Here:

Source tune here:

WIP thread here:

Once again, this mix brought to you by FL Studio, Kelloggs Pop Tarts, and the letter "M".


Nice. Very full arrangement and I like the energy and rhythm. The frequency area around the kick drum sounded somewhat, er, 'clumpy' on my speakers, but other than that, the mastering here was good.

One could say that the feel isn't very different from the original, however there are lots of original synth lines in the mix.

Apart from the sample from the intro, which sounded a bit awkward I thought, this is solid.


  • 2 weeks later...

Though the guitar synth will grate on some people, I had no big complaints on the sounds. I felt 2:22-3:18 was a little too gimmicky and felt somewhat sparse, relying on the voice to fill things out, which it didn't quite do. Small problem, ultimately. My main complaint was on the level of arrangement and the source tune usage. I'm gonna cobble together my observations from #judges with some additional thoughts.

I didn't even hear the original in most of this. 2:22-3:47, I recognized the source use; the rest seemed 95% original/inspired by the style of the source tune. I would have thought I chose the wrong source tune somehow if Jimmy hadn't sent us a low-bitrate version of it himself.

I tried to look for very liberal arrangement in there. I didn't find it, though I heard some notes from the opening of the source borrowed in a couple of places and placed in the back (:33-:35, :40-:42, :54-:56, 1:01-1:03, 1:08-1:10, 1:22-1:24, with more uses in the fuller section going until 2:22 though you can barely hear it at that point). In regards to the first 2:22 of BGC's mix, I listened to both the mix and the original and didn't hear one track's ideas present in the other.

2:22-3:18 of the mix compared right to 1:11-1:54 of the source; you can easily hear the connection there at least. Same with 3:19-3:47 to 1:54-2:44. Conservative arrangement for those sections yet pretty expansive in my opinion, which basically falls under the style of Jimmy last two OC mixes.

I was just very confused as to where the overt source usage was for the opening 2+ minutes; I was looking for liberal arrangement as some sort of way to justify the first half here, and the connection just ain't there like it should be. If it's even there, it's not overt enough. Find a way to identifiably incorporate "Go Down" in the first 2 minutes of the track and resubmit.

NO (rework/resubmit)


Larry had asked me to listen to this a few nights ago, and I definitely agree with him and Vig. I listened to both the remix and the original over and over, but I really only heard a tenuous connection at best. That's the only problem I have with the mix, though.


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