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*NO* Final Fantasy 8 'Maybe I'm a Lichen' *FT*

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Hey Liontamer. This is a standard fallthrough request. I submitted a remix in October 2004 and received a submission confirmation email. It must have gotten lost in the shuffle or something because I haven't seen it in the queue over the past three months (the queue is shorter than that, right?). I'm still quite fond of it so I'd like to see it judged.

Game: FF8

Title: Maybe I'm a Lichen

Remixer: Dj Orange

Yes this is my first fallthrough request. Thanks.


http://www.tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/FF8_minipsf.rar - 408 "Maybe I'm a Lion"

The source tune is somewhat hard to get a grasp on, so I had to listen to both for a while. The sounds of the intro will be hit or miss with some folks, but I thought it sounded very fitting for FF8. The percussion work starting at :22 was SO dry and flat, it really didn't bolster the piece like it should have.

The drumloop that you sampled at :48 sounded so distant and muffled, it really detracted from the piece. Sounds very stapled in, so I really would have rather heard some percussion that was original in execution and crisp in production. Somewhat of an awkward change in tempo at 1:10 but one may be able to get used to that upon several listens.

The notes chosen from 1:33-2:04 sound odd as hell, but it works in a quirky way, so it was cool shit. 2:18-2:29, as part of your chorus-y sounding area, sounded a bit too muffled with those thump sounds you were using. Using those claps there was also a bit cheesy. Might wanna just take the level of the claps down a little bit so they aren't so loud.

Yeesh, a pretty ugly close at 3:14 going to the fadeout. Do you have to keep it like that? In any case, it's a surprisingly interesting mix. It doesn't really come across as having any particular direction or artistic story to tell; rather it feels like the mix stumbles around a lot with two left feet. And that's actually not a knock on this mix whatsoever. I think it works as much as some of the odder tracks in FF8 worked, like "The Residents".

Hopefully some others Js will have ideas for you to beef up/enhance the sounds you already have in place, Geoff, along with some other ideas on bolstering the production a little bit and filling up the sonic space a bit more. Maybe I just appreciate this more than others will, but it's close for me and I'd like to see a resub on it. I think it could be a good fit here as an unorthodox piece with a bit more work.

NO (revise/resubmit)

  • 2 weeks later...

The first half of this mix sounds so sparse and dry, especially when the amen loop comes in. Bassline is so boring in those triplet sections. DUNDUNDUNDUNDUNDUNDUNDundundundundun.......

Yeah. What happened to the groovylicious fungus funktion DJ Orange sound I love so much? Did you LOSE YOUR WAY in the MAZE?! :(

The sounds are really cheesy, and seem to do a lot of unison rhythm stuff that doesn't balance out with other elements like percussion. Arrangement is varied, but the progression of ideas feels haphazard. Needs work.



As a whole, compared to previous DJ Orange works i've heard, this one falls pretty short. Like Darky said, there's a lot of unison synthwork that just isn't interesting to listen to at all. Combined with the crazy, lo-fi intro, this has got some issues.

The other judges covered everything else.




I think this is pretty stylish, but there's a bunch of problems. Transitions to different sections are very abrupt. It jumps around with a lot ideas, from one to another almost without settling on any idea for too long.

A lot of the mix sounds really sparse and empty. Lots of great ideas here like the great percussion work, but the execution and polish is lacking. I really hope you consider resubmitting. This could be really great.

The other judges covered the other issues.


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