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latest remix, ive always wanted to sample sonic the hedehog. and just like the classic games, i transitioned the beat so its the stage and then the boss....btw, i used robotniks theme from sonic 2 instead of 1, but # 2 was my favorite boss theme.

heres the mix -



Green Hill Zone

Really liked this one - actually felt like it could've been a bit longer though. : o Also, I'd say not to rely too heavily on the sample to carry your beat - add some more stuff in there : D Make it a bit more meaty - add your spin to an already nice sampling job. I'm sure it'd be awesome.

Robotnic Beat

Pretty cool (nice transition well), but i'm sure a beat like this would sound much better with some kind of rapping going on (its intended purpose I'm sure lol) as stand alone it gets rather repetitive (perhaps the length/lack of change has something to do with that). You used the loop nicely, but I feel like you could've done some more with it - perhaps sampling another part of that boss theme, or even adding more melodic input from your end y'know? However, keep at it bro.


Green Hill Zone definitely needs to be longer, but the beat is tight.

Like the post before, I could definitely hear this whole song to be a rap. Perhaps you could write some lyrics and get someone to bust a rhyme for ya?

I didn't understand the random hiccup at about 2:05. Maybe fix that?


yeah, the green hill zone beat had instruments on it, but i muted them, its more of a work in progress, and the robotnik beat was intended for lyrics, both of these will be put up when its done, and when i finish the green zone track, ill post it.

and btw, i use fruity loops

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