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*NO* Pokémon Gold Version 'My Greatest Rival'


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ReMixer name: Jaroban

Real name: Jared Banta

Email address: jrban138@hotmail.com

UserID: 1372

ReMixer name: Matty

Real name: Matt Beckemeyer

Email address: matthew.beckemeyer@gmail.com

UserID: None yet

ReMixer name: Fishy

Real name: Cain McCormack

Email address: Fishy1618@gmail.com

UserID: 15862

The full credits are down below, the other collaborators requested to just be mentioned in the write-up.

PROJECT MIX: POKÉMON: The Missingno Tracks

Game: Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal

Song: Rival Battle

The story of this mix very much mirrors the story of the Missingno Tracks project itself. I have a great fondness for the games and also for the show, so my dream was to create the mutant lovechild of the Rival Battle theme (assigned to me by OmegaDonut, the original project leader) and the original anime theme song. The first test mp3 was posted to the project forum on 27 Feb, 2006. What ensued was a (nearly) 5-year odyssey of recording, tweaking, begging people to get me their parts, long periods of inactivity, retweaking, reretweaking, etc. My lead singer moved to New York midway through production, so part of the delay was waiting for him to come to town on a visit so we could do the final pokémon battle recordings. It's been a long, arduous journey, but hopefully it has paid off in the end with an enjoyable mix.

Oh, and my favorite part was parading a bunch of amazing, talented singers into my house to yell "BIGGER POKÉBALLS!" at the top of their voice.


Jaroban - Producer, arranger, lyrics, bass, vocals, additional guitars, sequencing

Matty - Lead vocals, rhythm guitars

Fishy - Lead guitars, rhythm guitars

Vralia - Vocals

<a href="http://www.facebook.com/girlswalkby">Jocelyn Holst</a> - Vocals

Sam Cooper - Vocals

DJ Krisp-E - Vocals

chris stibrany - Additional programming, production/mastering


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So, definitely an amusing track. I mean, any track that has "Balls" is comedy gold, right? I will admit to legitimately laughing out loud when I heard that in the preview video for the project, so nice work there. It took me a little while to find the source at all points, but it is surprisingly present for most, if not all of the track (sans the intro/outro). I'd have liked to have more of the source in the vocals (I.E. having the source be a little more prominent), but when it is used, it's done effectively. Some of the transitions are awkward ('Fight, fight fight!' at 4:21 back into the themes, for example).

I will have to admit that the vocal melody feels awkward in different parts of the mix. I'm not sure if it's the melody itself, or the lyrics, or a combination. The presentation isn't really winning me over because of it, as well as the production issues I'm hearing.

Overall I'm not feeling the connection of the intro and outtro, but that might be just me. I could do without them, overall.

The vocals feel like they're sitting on top of the music, and the music feels pretty far back comparatively. I'd like them to blend a little better. Drums especially feel pretty understated. 1:55 and some other sections have a little bit of clipping on it. Overall vocal intonation is pretty good, but there are a couple of spots that could have used some touch-ups.

Definitely a fun track, but I think there's too many little issues that are adding up.

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I really like the track, but the drums and guitars are way far back. Like; really far back. Vocal performances were excellent, the arrangement was solid, and the guitars were hot. Lyrics and breakdown were hilarious, and the little references to the opening were clever and well utilized.

I think things just need to be rebalanced with the backing track up a bit more, and this is good. Easy fix. :-)

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Very creative mix here and definitely funny at parts.

Arrangement wise, you very effectively translated the OST to a vocal mix, which is very difficult to do. I actually have heard your mix several times before hearing the original, yet the connections & expansions were very easy to find.

I'm gonna echo the others on the balance issues here. It's especially apparent on the chorus sections. Guitars and drums just get lost behind everything going on. I wasn't too crazy about the snare tone here. It's pretty mechanical/fakey sounding when it plays repeated fills (:42, 1:10, etc). I hear how you've tried to vary the velocity, but it's not really cutting it for an acoustic kit.

Vocals in general were very well done. I admit on first listen, some of the lead vocal parts stuck out to me in a bad way. For example, the sustained "On" at 1:48. I think it's a combination of vocal intonation (loses the pitch a bit here) and writing, as the notes clash a bit till they're resolved. Still, HUGE props for going for putting yourself out there for something like this.

Minor point, but I hear some subtle distortion, which may be clipping in several parts in the mix. DA metioned 1:55. I also heard some at 3:58. Since it's not necessarily only happening in loud parts of the mix, it's very possible that it's coming from some of the vocal or SFX clips used. Anyway, not a big deal, just wanted to give you a heads up in case it's fixable.

Definitely an entertaining mix, but not quite ready for the front page.

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