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*NO* Legend of Zelda 3 'Autumn Leaves Kakariko'

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Remixer Name: Ubernym


Forum UserID: 253

Game Remixed:

Zelda 3, Kakariko Village Theme

This is my first finished foray in the realm of video game remixing. I recorded it using my Yamaha S08 keyboard, hooked up as an audio feed to my laptop. I used Audacity to edit the audio (equalization, normalization, etc..). My inspiration for this remix is my own love of piano jazz, especially of artists like Chick Corea, Keith Jarrett and Bred Melhdau. This is the first of two piano remixes I have done. It was difficult picking between the two(I call the other one “Jarrett’s Dungeon”), because I like them both so much, but I felt that this one was just a tad more accessible. Hope you like it!

-James Russell


Bleh, you shouldn't have used your laptop! :( There's this annoying ringing sound when the mid-range notes play!

Aside from that I'm having a really really difficult time hearing Kakariko Village in this song. Maybe there's too much variation? It's unrecognizable. I can't find it.

The piano playing is really awesome though. :(



http://www.snesmusic.org/spcsets/loz3.rsn - "Kakariko Village" (loz3-05.spc)

Interesting tagging of your MP3 there. Http://www.Ocremix.Org?

Anyway, you obviously have some piano skills here. Occasional flubbery in there, but good overall. Just didn't sound like "Kakariko Village" whatsoever. At all. Ever. What the funk happened, bro? :? [/DarkeSword] The performance was pretty cool, though disjointed at times. With the source tune being unrecognizable in there, it was impossible to grasp the form of the composition and somehow relate it to the original.

Yeah, so do what you can to get some better recording and try to compensate for the limitations with some better post-production work. Reading your info, I'm sure you did what you could though. I'm sure it was tough when a bunch of higher frequencies were outright eliminated due to your recording method.

More importantly though, don't go so overboard on your "arrangement" that all connectivity with the source tune is lost. Keep things interpretive but recognizable. Hope you come back.


  • 2 weeks later...

The ringing sound that accompanies a good majority of the notes is by itself a reason to reject this, in my opinion; it is extremely distracting.

And, as was already mentioned, the arrangement is too liberal to be included on the site.



The other judges already covered it. The extremely distracting ringing sound is a large turn off. And the extremely liberal arrangement is just way out there.

You have chops, so I hope you consider working on this more, adding more familiar elements of the original in this and fix the production problems. I hope to hear more of your work soon. Pretty work though.


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