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*NO* Chrono Trigger 'My Palace'


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Contact Information

* Your ReMixer name : Rockos

* Your real name : Roch Côté

* Your email address : darkhia@hotmail.com

* Your website : None

* Your userid (number, not name) on our forums : 44017

Submission Information

* Name of game(s) arranged : Chrono Trigger

* Name of individual song(s) arranged : Undersea Palace

* Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. :

First started as I was practicing on a dubstep track. I wanted to sound a little bit like Skrillex. Then came in mind; That chrono song was playing in my head. It sounded like dubstep to me. So I started playing around with some Oscilliator and then came with 4 or 5 different bass style with their own texture. I all sampled it in wav then worked again on those sample. Now then, I was playing a little game of what bass come after this one and then how many time I change sample. It all sounded so dirty! Layered kick and hi hat added some snare/clap. ET voilà!

After that everything placed in order and replayed the melody and changed some notes and added some time change signature! For the second part, I used Magus melody.

It was as if I were pro (since I'm not!) and I sounded so cool on this one. With Hours of work, this is what I've done and wanted to submit it.

Enjoy it and play it LOUD!


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Cool idea for this sub. There are quite a lot of effects, plenty of wubs as well. When the source is present, it's very clearly used. The intro is pretty long for the track, the melody itself doesn't come in until 0:51, which is a sizeable chunk. Add to that some of the other sections that aren't using source, and it adds up to a lot of time where I'm not hearing the Ocean Palace in this. I'd suggest either incorporating the source more often or trimming down on the sections that aren't using the theme as much. Some of the transitions aren't very smooth, especially at 1:51. There are a lot of points where the song feels sparse, and could maybe use some backing pads (especially in the midranges) to fill things out a little more.

I think the bigger issue than the arrangement is some balance issues. Lots of wubs here, and they're cool, but they are really overpowering almost everything else. I'd like the focus to be more on the melodies than just the wubs, regardless if the genre is more wub-focused.

I'd like to see this more source-oriented, and the balance worked with overall.

NO (resubmit)

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Not bad. I'd say the main problem is that the dynamic of the track is pretty spastic. When the bass is in, it pretty much gets too busy and not terribly well thought-out. At other times there's very little going on. Also, you really need more ambience in a track like this. There's very little going on atmospherically. Also, some of the glitchy rhythmic elements are out of time, and it doesn't work so well.


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You have a very nice foundation here, and some good arrangement ideas, but the execution isn't quite there yet. The intro is a bit long, and while I wub what you've done to the source, more of the original melody used would be good.

The production doesn't quite hit as hard as it should, and it needs a larger room sound. A good start, but it needs some polish. :-)

No, please resubmit

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