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Hey there. Name's Adam Higerd, but everyone online calls me Coda. This is my first remix that I've submitted to OC ReMix; I noticed you don't have any Mega Man Battle Network series music on the site. I call it "Full Power" -- named after the scene at the mother computer where the official Navis go into Full Power mode to attack ShadowMan.EXE. The remix is based off of the heroic theme of the game -- which is first played in the aforementioned scene -- though that itself is a variation off of the title theme for the series. I also included brief themes from the Kotobuki Town melody and the Gospel server melody, as well as blending in the classic Mega Man theme from the original series.

To comment about the mix itself... well, I know it's not purely MMBN2. Fully half of the mix is from the original series, and there's a little bit of influence from MMBN3's take on the theme. But it was the transition between MMBN and original series that was the inspiration for the remix in the first place. What started out as an attempt to simply retrack the first theme turned into this mix; both of the major transitions simply played themselves out in my head as I worked on fleshing out the sound, rearranging some parts, and fine-tuning the expressive control.

I'll confess that, behind the scenes, this IS a MIDI file. But that's just the file format I choose to compose in. I know from experience that MIDI synthesis typically sucks, so I made sure to find some good samples to work with once I was finished arranging the remix. Once I found the samples I liked (the PersonalCopy 5.1 soundfont was kind to me), I rebalanced the parts to fit the choice of samples and massaged the pitch bends and the modulation wheel to squeeze out a richer sound. After that, I pulled the result into Sound Forge XP and tweaked with it a little there -- a touch of distortion, a bit of chorus, you know that kind of thing.

As for the remix itself, it's hosted on my web server:

And since you don't have any MMBN stuff on the site, I suppose I should give you the game information.

Game Name: Mega Man Battle Network 2

Original Composer: Yoshino Aoki is the name I've seen attached to MMBN2 and 3, but I can't confirm that for sure.

Copyright: Capcom 2001

System: GBA

/s/ Coda Highland <coda@bobandgeorge.com>


OMG ITS CODA!! :D DUDE!! You didn't tell me you submitted a mix to OCR.

Meh, well. As for the mix, I'm gonna have to say NO, because you said it yourself, it's a MIDI, and even though you tweaked it, the production still doesn't cut it.

Also, the arrangement of the original Megaman theme along with the Battle Network music feels really disjointed and doesn't work at all. Transitions need lots of work.

Anyway, I've been telling you for years you should get better music software. :P I've heard your other stuff; you're a talented guy. It's time to make the jump, dude.


http://www.zophar.net/nsf/megaman2.zip - Track 2

Don't have the MM Battle Network 2 originals, but don't need 'em. No offense to anyone at, say, VGMusic, but the majority of MIDI stuff typically sounds terrible. We generally don't/won't take 'em because of their inferior sound quality. I realize it takes skill to make good MIDIs, but this right here was still a terrible mess.

The sound balance among the instruments was godawful, and the arrangement was too brief and seemingly didn't take many liberties with the source material, as the Megaman II stuff used in there was pretty verbatim. The lack of a transition at 1:45 sounded incredibly sloppy.

I'm being harsh, yeah, but get better at everything before you submit again. You're not even making solid MIDIs, so you have a long way to go. This was the epitome of rough and sloppy and should have gotten the form rejection letter.

If you take DarkeSword's advice and get new music software, you better eat, sleep and breathe improvement. Make use of the WIP forum & ReMixing forum here in order to keep developing yourself. Stay diligent.



If the arrangement is strong enough, I'm willing to pass mixes with sub-par samples and production. But in this particular case, the composition doesn't really manage to overshadow the sounds. You should look into downloading better samples. You can get a lot better sounds than this without having to spend anything. I would also suggest writing for specific samples rather than plugging in the samples after the arrangement is finished. One tends to get better results this way.


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