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Have you tried browsing any stores recently..?

At the very least if you have yet to spend your tax money, assuming you work at all, you could easily buy an HDTV between $200-$500 at some place like Walmart; even Best Buy with the cheap Dynex lines are easily affordable.

Personally went for a Vizio, been happy since with it.

I have a 52" HDTV and I use it for my computer (like right now) and I run netflix off the website on it. The netflix in the other room on the wii is for my parents, who refuse to get a new TV. Because the old one isn't broke.

o.O Chrono Trigger is one of the greatest RPGs of all time. The graphics are great, they don't make RPGs like they used to. That's a shame. But still, I'd go insane if they made a new graphics remake of CT.


even if developers could not find a way to make graphics and gameplay elements better, which I doubt since it would be very possible to have insane graphics using real-time ray-tracing, a console with better specs can mean that games that look like today's games would cost a hell of a lot less to develop.

Also, did you guys know that The Damned has a general affinity for Nintendo and Nintendo products? He also seems to be quite the Pokemon fan. He's quite the character, that guy.

It's a three console market. Two of them each had the problems he listed. By process of elimination, that left the third console.

Or is this supposed to be snarky commentary? I can't tell, my snarkulator is plugged up.

Good luck with that, Guy. For ages now most gamers have been brainwashed by marketing into thinking that more realistic = better graphics, and less realistic = shit

But they'll cry foul as soon as they female plate armor that isn't skin-tight with massive cleavage.


I don't even know if that is true. I don't think good graphics and the gamers' perception of them concerning game quality has anything to do with marketing. It's not like we have ads today that say "Sega does what Nintendon't" and the Wii was the clear winner of the console race, despite having the worst graphics. The motion controls were also an interesting gimmick for a while. ;-) I think consoles getting more powerful, and games getting prettier and functioning better, is a natural evolution for gaming. I think a console that stays in past generations should technically not do as well, but like I just mentioned, the Wii broke that theory. A lot of it may have had to do with loyalty to a brand. I know I'll be most-likely to go with the Microsoft console this next generation, especially if they figure out how to get the edge up on their competitors. Offer blu-ray, have better technology and faster loading times. Continue having a nice interface that I consider more easy to use than the PS3's. As for graphics, I certainly will be looking for which one has more power in that department. In this generation, I think the ps3 was the most powerful graphically if by a tiny margin with the games that were painstakingly exclusive to the system. Like Heavy Rain, or GoW3. There's a Wii 2 and Xbox360 2 floating around, and I haven't heard of a PS4 yet, so they may have the edge-up to see what the playing field is and then go beyond that. However, they also have a ridiculous amount of problems going on and it's probably not financially viable to start producing a new console yet. You don't deserve line-breaks.

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