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Hello yet again, this is rtnario and you may know me from the other thread where I tested the waters with Death's Embrace. :-D

This here is what I will really, really, want critique for, because it's what I plan to someday submit to OverClocked ReMix and hope that it passes. I need all the help I can get with regards to mixing, arrangement and everything, so if you have time and are interested to help me, I thank you so much in advanced.


Original Song: Earth Painting (theme in Mekiv Caverns)

Game: Legend Of Mana

Composer: Yoko Shimomura

It is insanely difficult to try to adjust my arranging style to OCR's, because mine is one that keeps very faithful to the original and enhances it. But here, I'll have to treat this remix as half my own original composition using the melodies from the source. This is my first attempt at doing this, so sorry if I...suck. :?

So far it's a concept of what I plan to do; possibly the first remix for Legend Of Mana if I'm lucky, and it's of an odd genre not common here (I think) called symphonic metal.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Comments? Opinions? Gripes about my lead guitar's tone (Hi Rozovian, I'm taking your suggestion and seeing if I can fix the sound somehow XD)?


Thanks for all your constant critique man, really appreciate it! Of course I'm going to expand on this one, since I'm really going to do my best on making this OCR-worthy.

Yeah, I know that many great songs don't get accepted into here, regardless of them being, well, great. But to me the real challenge I see is to -actually- get in here *-* The mere fact that only a chosen few make it makes this even more interesting, considering that this is most likely the penultimate video game remix site, and making video game remixes just happens to be one of my biggest passions aside from composing music itself!

So I accept the challenge of being able to become what they're looking for, which I can personally say so far has been the biggest test of my flexibility towards remixing because my style is very opposite to what the standards usually look for. I'm gonna keep trying to get there because I enjoy it, and if one day I stop enjoying it then I'll stop trying, simple as that. Until then, I'll be giving it my best shot :grin:

Anyhow, on topic, I'd still like to ask anyone who happens to pass by (and you too MaestroDaven if you have any more thoughts) and gives this concept a listen their opinion on what can be improved or maybe what I can do next, especially when it comes to arrangement and/or source utilization (that's the trickiest thing for me so far since I love using the exact parts). If you do, thanks in advanced!


This sounds great! Where are those samples from, at the beginning? They sound really good. :]

Might I suggest making the buildup more dramatic at 0:57-1:00, maybe make the drumroll's volume spike up a bit more near the end?


This is awesome! Earth painting is probably my favorite track from any videogame, and I've always wished someone would do a remix of it! (The genre being symphonic metal only makes me love it more :D).

As for critique, I really like the beginning, but I have to agree with pixelwave about having more buildup to the metal part. The drum roll doesn't really do it for me.

Also, I think it sounds a little bit funny once the main melody comes in at 1:20; for some reason it seems like it's just kind of been placed on top instead of meshing with the rest. I think it may have to do with it being lifted almost directly from the source...maybe if you got rid of some of the counter melodies and focused more on just the main one it would work better?

Anyways, keep it up. I really hope this gets finished and posted!



Thanks! And the sounds come from a gem in the prehistoric era of orchestral VSTs called Edirol Orchestral. Great for light CPU usage opposite to the next EastWest sample library.


Thanks for listening! And yes, symphonic metal is one of my specialties, I'll make this happen ^^


Yep, worked on my mixing since forever and glad to see it's improved! My DAW is FL Studio. It's not about what DAW you have but how you use it of course

Anyhow, I may have some disappointing news for anyone who was looking forward to this being finished. All the information you need is here:


Sorry for not being able to utilize all the critique you guys gave me, but I believe that this is for the best. Making this may have seemed simple or may have sounded simple, but it completely drained me being something I'm really not. So I apologize that this won't be tried for OCR but I assure you all that someday I'll be back. :-D

Thanks for all the support, and see ya in the next.


That's too bad, but good luck anyways :)

And I totally know how you feel; I have gotten to the same point as you multiple times, and just hit a complete roadblock (using the same source even XD).

I'm glad you're going to keep creating music though, and I hope this mix does get finished, even if it doesn't get to OCR.

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