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UPDATE 6/30/11

Just a little update on this movie. Actually... a BIG update, as it was released! Although several of you messaged me about doing music, the timing didn't quite work out for this pilot episode. We ended up using our temp sounds for a couple of the music cues. We did, however, find a song we REALLY liked in the Newgrounds Audio Portal.

Here is a link to the pilot episode:

Wonders of the Universe Pilot Episode: Human / Cyborg Relations

We also released a follow up mini episode a week later, which was based on some test lines one of our voice actors sent us in. Which can be found... here:

Wonders Short: Milky Ways

So is this thread still relevant? A little. I've talked to the people ones who PMed me, and let them know that we WILL be needing original compositions in the future. Episode 2 is already being worked on, and we have at least one section we know we need some music.

I hope you all enjoy the pilot!

Original post:

Hello all!

Over the past several months, me and some friends of mine (under the team name Toonwerks) have been working on a ongoing animated series (done in Flash) called “Wonders of the Universe.” It’s about a Space Cruise Liner and it’s crew, and it’s centered around a human named Quintin Quasar. If you want to read about it you can go here:

Wonders of the Universe Preview

But long story short we’re pitching it as “Love Boat meets Star Trek.” So its a light hearted comedy that'll have adventures in space. We’re very excited about it!

Look... Pictures!


I did the character art, in case anyone was wondering.

Animation for the pilot, and a short to accompany it, is getting closer and closer to wrapping up. We’ve set a deadline at the end of June for outselves. (Because the animator is going on a trip and it would be nice to have it wrapped up by then.) So in typical fashion, we’ve kinda overlooked the MUSIC. We knew we wanted to do some original tunes, like our previous movie “Legend of the Black Book.” (Found here) Unlike that movie though, its much shorter and is designed to be episodic, and we wanted it to me a much more "official" part of the show.

So this is what we’re looking for for the first episode and beyond:

1) A main Theme. We want something memorable that can be used and Incorporated with other music in the series. This is a space adventure, so it should feel as such! A obvious comparison to make would be something like the Star Trek theme... either the original series or next Generation.

We’ll need several seconds of unique score for some specific moments. (it can, and probably should, incorporate the main theme)

2) Ambiance: We need some quiet music, and space ship sounds, to play when appropriate. (such as characters talking) There are a few robot characters to, so it would be nice to have some sound to them to. (like beeps and boops)

3) Orchestration and electronic style. We imagine these 2 will be best suited for the movies.

4) Commitment! We plan this series to be ongoing, and we have several episodes planned out. So if you want to help, you’ll be part of the “Wonders” team. This means you can’t be lazy if the movie needs something!

5) This is not paid work. But you will receive a cut of any revenue it makes on Newgrounds.com via ads or if it wins any awards. We're doing this for fun and for free to entertain people, and the same should apply to whoever does the music.

We understand our planned deadline is a little over a month away, and we definitely don’t want this to feel rushed.... but we think its doable for what we need for the first episode. If any of you think you can write a memorable theme for the series, plus a few hooks, and are interested in scoring music for future episodes, then please drop me a line! You can send me a PM, or reach me at: e-mail (josephblanchette - at - gmail.com), AIM (brimfiremortis) or MSN (josephblanchette - at - live.com). Make sure to include samples of excising work!

Thanks in advance!

- Joseph (and the rest of the Toonwerks team)


I would totally jump on this but I'm going to pass for the moment. I'm working on A portfolio to try and break into the video game industry and the also the project so if you still need someone by then (haha which is doubtful) I'd like to.

Cool artwork! Is this just something to do for fun, or are there any plans for it to go commercial at some point?


Excellent question. We've all been doing flash movies for years, and its mainly been a hobby. With this effort we defiantly want to push ourselves to make something special. And I know we all would love for it to be seen by a wider audience. We're really hoping we can pump out episodes fairly quickly to keep momentum going! (which is really easy to loose in Flash with only a few people)

art style looks...somewhat plaguarized

If you're going to say something like that, at least say who's art it resembles.

Dude, we can't send you a message on the OCremix site... all you have is msn skype and some other stuff I don't buy.

Turn your PM on if you want peeps to contact you.

It IS enabled, and I've received PMs from people before, and about this project. Maybe you missed it?


This is actually pretty awesome looking, I'll give you that. Also, when I looked over this I read it as "Sci Fi Slash Series". Admittedly, I read too much fanfiction. I'd totally sign on-board, but I'm not nearly talented enough.

  • 1 month later...

Just a little update on this movie. Actually... a BIG update, as it was released! Although several of you messaged me about doing music, the timing didn't quite work out for this pilot episode. We ended up using our temp sounds for a couple of the music cues. We did, however, find a song we REALLY liked in the Newgrounds Audio Portal.

Here is a link to the pilot episode:

Pilot Episode: Human / Cyborg Relations

We also released a follow up mini episode a week later, which was based on some test lines one of our voice actors sent us in. Which can be found... here:

Wonders Short: Milky Ways

So is this thread still relevant? A little. I've talked to the people ones who PMed me, and let them know that we WILL be needing original compositions in the future. Episode 2 is already being worked on, and we have at least one section we know we need some music.

I hope you all enjoy the pilot!

- Joseph

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