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OCR02368 - *YES* Metal Gear Solid 'The Price of Freedom'


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Contact Info:

name/remixer name: Evan Arnett



userid: 20858

Submission Info:

Title: "The Price of Freedom'

Game: "Metal Gear Solid"

Original Song "Metal Gear Solid Theme (I used versions from MGS 1, 2, and 3)" and "Encounter" from MGS1

Inspired and humbled by the tremendous positive feedback I received from my Zelda overture, I decided to try my hand at an arrangment of another of my favoirte game scores: Metal Gear Solid. As I was writing this, I played through all four Metal Gear Solid games, and wanted to create a version of the theme that fully encompassed the entire series, much like what I tried to do with the Zelda Overture. I wanted to challenge myself to create a piece that sounds as if it could belong in the game, yet included a great deal of original thematic development: melodic, harmonic, percussive, and motivic.

I had the privilege of working with two very talented musicians: mezzo soprano Janna Mckinley, who sings the opening and whose voice I manipulated into various electronic textures throughout the piece, and guitarist Jonathan Mills, providing the wonderful acoustic improved intro and echo of the main theme.

I had more planned for this piece, but unfortunately my studio was burglarized and all the original files and arrangment were lost, leaving only this mp3 which I had uploaded to my personal site. Still, I'm proud of what I was able to accomplish, and sincerely thank you for your consideration.

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I love the vocals in the intro; too bad they don't stick around for the entire duration.

Really nice soundscapes, and the guitar playing is excellent as well. Some of the more exposed sequencing was a bit stiff, such as the exposed trumpet. A lot of the rest of the sequencing is excellent though, and in some cases I could have been tricked into thinking I was listening to the OST, especially for the encounter theme. I loved the arrangement buildup of the Snake eater theme, but thought it could have gotten even bigger, and had more time to shine, though that is just my bias, as I think it's one of the best game themes to come around in a very long time.

The transitions were good, and the varying sections contained a good blend of fresh ideas but always with very recognizable themes, and the song finished very nicely. Overall this was really solid (see what I did there? ;-) )

Really, the only thing that kept this from being a DP was the solo trumpet sequencing sounding pretty stiff on the attacks, otherwsie, I can't find any fault. :-)


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Very little to add to what Andrew has said. This is excellent, and really nice to listen to, except that some of the sequencing isn't polished. I'm going to guess it's because you weren't able to fully finish. Transitions are excellent between the themes, and there's a lot of detail packed into your soundscape. Too bad you didn't get to fully finish, but regardless this is pretty awesome.


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