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LT Edit - Original deicision: http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=36181

Howdy, judging crew.

A few months ago, I put together a mix of the Chrono Trigger battle theme which was rejected. It was called Time's Burden, as is the one I submit now. After I had a couple other remixes rejected, I decided to go back and try and correct some other stuff and instead of looking for new sounds, try and fix the old ones.

So, here it is, the resubmission of "Time's Burden" a (hopeful) OC Remix. Enjoy.

Information you probably need:

Remixer Name: Toxic Soul

Game Remixed: Chrono Trigger

Song Remixed: Battle Theme

Song Title: Time's Burden OC Remix

Link to Song:


The song is 4:25 in length, so if you run into difficulties with the song's length from that link (I've had difficulties before), I've provided a mirror at:

Also, for some reason, every time I upload an mp3, my IDv3 tags get edited, so I could use some help in that department. Also, you might notice that the title has been edited out in the second link thanks to tripod... sorry about that.

Thanks and apologies, keep up the great work,



the introduction to this mix is awesome. very tense and original. the groove is tense. unfortunately, aside from the intro and the melody, the mix is hurting for ideas. it gets repetitive at the 1:30 mark. what you've got is good, but you need to expand it rather than repeat it.



http://www.snesmusic.org/spcsets/ct.rsn - "Battle 1" (ct-1-12.spc)

Yep, the intro sounds promising. About :30 in and it was still sounding strong...ah, now I see what's up. The sounds at :41 were really plain-jane & tame once you transitioned into them. The melody was really subdued versus your others sounds. Beef the melody up more, but watch the level of reverb. As is, your sounds mudded together really badly.

The bassline could use some more meat on it, and the percussion was a bit flat and a bit too high in volume, though I like how it was meant to sound laid back. The string sample sounded really fake, but it was covered up reasonably well.

By 2:30 the arrangement was already getting repetitive and stale. The more active strings & piano dropped out at 2:55 to focus on the groove, but this groove has been on autopilot for quite a while. Boring. Like Vig said, expand the mix with further compositional ideas and realize it's potential. The ending at 4:03 was very I-give-up-ish and lame, and you should have cut out about 2 minutes of fat from the track anyway.

In terms of arranging the "Battle 1" theme though, this ain't even cuttin' it. You barely touched the theme at all. Basically took a couple of merely similar backing chords for the bassline and occasionally played out the chorus with the piano. Very mininal use of the source tune in the big picture. This would need an overhaul in both production AND arrangement to have a shot. Don't make the arrangement so liberal that you barely use the source tune.


  • 3 weeks later...

yeah, hate to be a broken record but like vig & larry say this one starts off good and then loses steam quickly.

it feels very static throughout.

i know things are changing, but i'm just not feeling it.

not that this has to be the kind of short-attention-span pop music with a huge chorus ever 8 measures,

but i find myself wanting a greater distance between the high and low points in this remix.



This is actually mostly interesting, especially the beginning. I'm very familiar with the source material, and I like what you've done here. More bottom end would definitely help this. Either with some kind of traditional bassline or how about adding/supplementing stronger material for double basses/celli sections?

I think this mix could benefit from better pan placement in whatever space you're creating. Everything sounds centered. The piano is for me the highlight of the mix. I might try experimenting by moving it an octave up or if you place it where it is, I would EQ in the treble areas and give it a few boosts to make it stand out more.

Expand this more and try to incorporate more of the source material. Have the mix evolve more as it progresses. Like analoq said, it has the sensation of static qualities. Keep at it, this has promise.

Not a great ending, also there's an annoying pop at the very end.


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