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Sorry if this isn't in the right forum, but seeing as it is an FL related topic, I thought that this was the best place to put it.

I've had a slight problem over the past few days in terms of using ASIO with FL Studio 10. Whenever I select ASIO from the audio menu, my computer freezes, and then shows a bluescreen error message.

Now a lot of people have been telling me that my problem is something memory related, however, before getting my new computer last Christmas, I was working on an extremely poor laptop, which only had 1G of memory, but it never had this problem, however, this computer has 3G of memory, so I believe it may be something else: having said that, I know very little about computers or how they are supposed to work, and so it may be that this entire paragraph is completely meaningless.

I believe (although I may be wrong) that the problem may be with FL 10, as I had FL8 and FL9 on my laptop and I never had any problems.

Things I've tried:

Deleting my Minecraft server (which originally had 2G assigned to it, but deleting it had no effect)

Re-installing ASIO (Again, no effect)

Ran ASIO whilst talking on Skype (It ran in FL, but because both my microphone and speakers were being used by Skype, it had no output)

Deleted my broken soundcard's version of ASIO (Which didn't cause a BSOD, but just wouldn't run at all without my soundcard being plugged in)

Any help on this will be massively appreciated.


I don't use it, the installation disk that came with it didn't actually work. I did take a look on Google about BSODs caused by the soundcard, but by the looks of it, it only seems to affect vista users, or people using virtual DJ: Neither of which I am currently using. What I'm actually using at the moment is the version of ASIO that came with FL.

I don't think my Maya44USB is a cause of this, as I got rid of it several months ago- a fair while before this problem- because it never worked with FL: the separate ASIO file (which I deleted about a month ago) didn't work with the soundcard, as it had no output, and wouldn't even move the playlist marker along.

Should I try and find the error message and post it here?


It wasnt on FL10, but my old computer used to crash if i had the buffersize for ASIO4ALL set too small, meaning that when i switched to the ASIO4ALL driver the computer couldnt handle trying to use that small a buffer size. Try and set the buffer size to as large as it can get, that is if you can access the settings before it crashes your computer.

Failing that try and find another asio driver for now


It crashes whenever I open it, although when I accessed it whilst talking on Skype, I did manage to put the meter all the way to the right, putting it at 2048 samples: sad to say, still no luck.

Looks like I need another driver then: do you know any alternatives I could use until I fix this problem?


Wait, you mentioned a broken soundcard up there, although ASIO4ALL are digital drivers, the processing still runs through your on-board soundcard, did you get a new soundcard?


Sadly no, because I can't afford anything at the moment. However, I believe I may still have a warranty on my old one, and so I might be able to get my money back from it to get a new one.

But I don't see how it would run through my soundcard without it being plugged into my computer.

Although I've got my eye on an M-audio one that my school has, and that looks like it does the job properly.

Sadly no, because I can't afford anything at the moment. However, I believe I may still have a warranty on my old one, and so I might be able to get my money back from it to get a new one.

But I don't see how it would run through my soundcard without it being plugged into my computer.

Although I've got my eye on an M-audio one that my school has, and that looks like it does the job properly.



For what it's worth, I had the same issue, but with FL9. I have an onboard, laptop soundcard from ASUS. I had to tweak the buffer size to its lowest (highest? can't remember, but whatever leads to the lowest latency) setting. Even moving it a tick in the direction that decreases latency will bluescreen me. I have no idea what the underlying techincal issue it, but eh, I was able to get 6ms latency without bluescreening, so I'm satisfied with that.


Sorry for the late reply, I've been busy with exam revision, and I've been running antivirus scans on this computer for the past week or so, and so I haven't found the time to reply.

As previously stated, I've ran several virus scans using Avast!, and quite a few with a program called Malwarebytes. I found several viruses and trojans amongst my files, and quarantined them. After that, I defragged my computer and then ran a system restore to the day before I had the problem, and had no sucess.

It was then apparant that a screen recording program called Debut was actually the cause of my BSOD problem, although I never knew that I'd installed it.

But I've not quite fixed it yet.

Every time I open up ASIO now, all my devices come up with this wierd little yellow symbol (instead of the green play arrow or red cross), and a message pops up when my mouse rolls over it, saying: "Your drivers are too old/too new"

"De-activate unused inputs and outputs!" (Which I have, I am only using the audio output/mic input, which was what I was using before this problem occurred)

"Disable system sounds in control panel!" (Tried this, no luck)

In addition to that, I've got another FL problem, because I can't load any of my Poizone or Sakura presets. Do I need to make another forum post for this or can I ask it here? (Sorry if it seems like a dumb question)

I'll bookmark that soundcard thread Neblix, I think it may come in handy.

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