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*NO* Mega Man Battle Network 2 'Pink Puffy Clouds of Death'

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Remixer Name: X0-000

Email: x0_000@yahoo.ca

Remix Info:

Game Remixed: Megaman Battle Network 2

Song Remixed: Airman's Theme

Remix Name: Pink Puffy Clouds Of Death

Comments: Comment, eh? Umm... I guess this a nostalgic song, since it's my first ever remix that I've done. Originally it sucked a lot, but with some help from Malcos I've been able to improve it. So, hopefully it'll be OC ReMix standard and get uploaded ^_^?


Just got an email from Mr.Zou:

I just checked on the site for the submissions and I noticed that there's a problem with mine... It's called "Pink Puffy Clouds of Death". Anyway, the game should be Megaman Battle Network 2, not Megaman Battle Network, so if you could correct that or tell me how to get it corrected... ^_^
Just got an email from Mr.Zou:
I just checked on the site for the submissions and I noticed that there's a problem with mine... It's called "Pink Puffy Clouds of Death". Anyway, the game should be Megaman Battle Network 2, not Megaman Battle Network, so if you could correct that or tell me how to get it corrected... ^_^

No problem. He didn't actually put the "2" in the game name, but I added it in.

http://www.zophar.net/gsf/mmbn2_gsf.rar - 21 "Airman's Stage"

The sounds were fairly generic fading in, but they were decent. The distorted synths, including the lead were a bit too loud and all-up-in-my-face during :26-:53, and some of the mid-range frequencies got a bit piercing. Nonetheless, I really liked the arrangement, and the panning sweeps you employed there as things slowly shifted back and forth, left and right were a nice touch. 1:20 featured a generic electrosynth along with beats, but it had some good energy.

1:33-2:00's section was a bit too flat. Hard to articulate being a non-theorist, but the note sequence from from 1:35-1:40 that ends each measure was very flat & lifeless. It sounded a lot better from 2:21-2:26 when the sampled piano played it, so your low electrosynth earlier might be limiting how those notes come off.

From 2:00-2:13, when you started altering the rhythms and layering some other stuff, everything got really muddy and cluttered. Some oogly mixing right there that you gotta get under control.

Nice bassline type break at 2:13 joined with the piano at 2:20. You gotta do a better job at masking the abrupt cutoff of the cymbal fade at 2:21 when the sample is so exposed like that. A little detail, and one that's not found in the rest of the track, but very potentially indicative of lazy work.

Anyway, the arrangement provided some variation, going all the way up into the end, including a cool synth piano break from 2:40-2:52 that was later used in the background to fill things out and move towards the finish. The mix cut out abruptly at 3:34 instead of having a proper fade.

Definitely cool work, but it needs some reworking during the more sloppily mixed sections as well as some of the more monotone-sounding bits that were minor but still dragged the piece down. There was a lot of variation and creativity in the arrangement, and you did a fairly good job of filling up the space.

Nonetheless, the piece didn't come off as quite as dynamic and engaging as it possibly could have, the reason being the foundation of the track was basically a dance kick & clap pattern that never changed up too often. Definitely didn't retain the interest for the full 3:35.

The generic nature of a lot of the sounds chosen may be a bigger issue for some of the other judges. For me it was not as much of a dealbreaker, but creating some unique/personalized sounds & textures wouldn't hurt, I can say that. Keep working on this, as it has tons of potential. Malcos and the other Js should be able to further isolate and discuss the issues and provide further insight.

NO (resubmit)

  • 3 weeks later...

This sounds pretty generic. There's some mid range/to high frequency stuff going on, then there's some low end stuff going on and the straightforward beat typical of this genre - but where's the texture in between that?

Outside that the arrangement for me was a mixed bag. Decent most of the time, with some creative and unique stuff going on to a lesser extent. I also feel for a mix of this nature, there was no hook or hooks here. Ending also was a bit cheap, sounded just like it just stops randomly with delay processing to make it sound slightly better at that point.

I'm not that crazy about the synths to be honest, and beyond that there was no texture and meat underneath it.

Not bad at all, this is a bit above average. But I don't feel it's anywhere ready yet. Keep at it, this has promise, but for now NO.

  • 2 weeks later...

Messy messy messy! :|

That metallic lead simply isn't working here. It doesn't sit well with all of the other sounds, and doesn't really convey the melody clearly. The piano sample is horribly generic too.

Gray's right; it sounds empty in the middle, and throughout the whole piece, there's no hook to really grab my attention. This mix feels like it's going through the motions.



The instruments in this song are very grating. they all sound low-fidelity and generally ugly.

The melody is muddy and the lead sounds completely awful.

aside from that, which would be enough in and of itself, the arrangement is completely straightforward.


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