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Can't match up the name of the source tune right now, but it's pretty likely that it's "The Successor".

Tone sounded like it wanted to be a bit more powerful, but there was some good energy here.

The lazy drumloop that kept repeating ad nauseum really killed the mix. It's creates bordem for the listener and stagnation in the foundation of the mix. Can't stress this enough: don't bring it on every other level and then just loop up the same perc work practically the whole way through. It looks really lazy and uncreative.

Arrangement could stand to have a bit more forward direction at some points. You other judges will likely hear what I mean. I thought the production and sound balance among the instruments was actually done pretty well.

Gonna have to pull an Ari and request a resubmit. The arrangement takes a bit getting used to for me, since it's not TOO exiciting (again, the drums really undercut a lot of that energy). Mix kinda drags a bit by going past 4 minutes, but from what i recall of the source material involved, everything sounded kosher and pretty creative on the whole. I may like this one significantly more than others.

Don't believe I've heard of you from Dwelling of Duels at all, so be sure to check that out as well, for a high quality rock/metal game arrangement community that'll really encourage you enthusiastically to take your work to the next level. Very promising stuff, Bill. Definitely look forward to hearing more of your work.

NO (definitely resubmit)


Ok, this may be personal preference. But the tone of the guitar hit me the wrong way from start to finish. It sounded thin and very harsh.

Beyond that, it's an above average arrangement. Drums are simple but I had no gripe with that. A lot of rock drums of this gated snare nature (like from the 80s) typically sound like this. Production is problematic for me, outside the guitar, the levels are just off. Everything sounds cluttered and messy. This made the whole listening experience unpleasant for me. I also heard some wierd audio issues going on throughout the mix...

I really did like the ending sections though, except the cheap fade out ending.

Good concept, but as with a lot of mixes we get on the panel, the execution is just lacking. Please consider working on this more and resubmitting. There is a lot of promise here. NO


Time to ostracize [sic] myself from the rest of the group!

Perhaps it is because I have a guitar-bias, but I liked this. But after say the 2 minute mark, it dawned upon me that there was this *hollow* feel to the mix that was difficult to get over. Hollow, in the sense that it felt like a key filler instrument or register was missing. Maybe it's Larry's comment about the stay-at-home-mom malaise of the drums. Maybe it's just the intense length of the piece vs. the idea it's trying to convey. But this mix needs to be added upon, though with great care. Too much could make this mix quite muddy.

But yes, it needs more of what we in the industry (heretofor refered to as soft core) call more Oomph.



Did Uematsu use this chord progression in FF6? Whatever.

Okay jeez man that guitar just doesn't let up. It's a nice sound but it seems to go on forever. I'm not saying it's played badly, it's just a lot to listen to. This needs some bright comping '80s style piano. That's what's missing. It feels kind of empty without that middle register harmonic support.

Anyway nice arrangement I really like it, but I wish the guitar would cut out for a while and you'd segue to another instrument for variety; I started losing interest after about two and a half minutes.

Keep at it; I like your style! NO, for now. Go for the resub.

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