WesPip Posted May 14, 2005 Author Posted May 14, 2005 I'm the only one with the talent to do so, and I vote no ... Well the overlord says yes, so BADGES HO! So..c'mon..volunteers. They don't need to be anything big or fancy, just something similar to the "I saw The $350 Hat Thread", "I Saw LJU Banned", those sorts of things. Only..more...clan-related. Quote
Dr. Marius Posted May 14, 2005 Posted May 14, 2005 Something like: "I lose alongside my clanmates every night" Quote
WesPip Posted May 14, 2005 Author Posted May 14, 2005 Something like: "I lose alongside my clanmates every night" I LIKE IT. We were doing so good in that one match. Well, I was. If your scores had been proportional to mine in the way that they normally are, we would've won so much faster. YOU SLACKERS. *cracks the whip* Also, Icy...you missed quite the match. We were playing against a bunch of prepubescents, and they rivalled that one match's annoyingness. Also, they insulted Lazy by calling 'er...*GASP*...it's too horrible to say...so i'll make it really small. A GIRL! THE HORROR. Also, that match that stuck us against a level 8 clan...total bull. BAH! Eh, most of the matches were fun, at least. I do enjoy playing with the lot of you mint-donut nubs. Quote
Dr. Marius Posted May 14, 2005 Posted May 14, 2005 So, like I said, me and 'Becca pretty much always watch each other play, and the gaming stuff is in the bedroom anyway, so about the time I play with you all (It's an hour later for me over here in Ohio) she's definitely downstairs in the bed watching. So, here's what she came up with last night Here's a Member of their clan.... And here's a movie poster of Nubby the Nubbiest Nub. So... yeah, my girlfriend kicks all of your girlfriends asses. **EDIT** Especially Lazy's. Though that's hot. Quote
The wingless Posted May 14, 2005 Posted May 14, 2005 Dear Dr. Marius, Your girlfriend's madness is all-consuming. Quote
Yellow 13 Posted May 14, 2005 Posted May 14, 2005 I might play sometime this evening, if anyone wants to look out for me, I'm Deimos0034. I live on the west coast. Quote
Knuckx117 Posted May 14, 2005 Posted May 14, 2005 I'm interest in joining your clan... I mainly like to snipe, defend the base, blow stuff up, and run people over. In other words... favorite vehicles/weapons... Vehicles: Ghost, Wraith Weapons: Sniper Rifle, Beam Rifle, Rocket Launcher, Brute shot, Shotgun, Sword Quote
redchlorine Posted May 15, 2005 Posted May 15, 2005 Hello? Is this thing working? I do belive so. Albeit on a fresh install of XP and 56k right now, but I got my comp working! *reads current messages* As soon as I can get photoshop back from my file storage comp, I'll see about a badge...I'm thinking something with the shield/sword combo from campaign heroic difficulty, with the headphones from OCR. That is, unless somebody makes a better suggestion, or Wingless kills me for attempting it. EDIT: Wow, my file comp behaved today. Anywho, here's a first attempt. Comments and suggestions? Quote
WesPip Posted May 15, 2005 Author Posted May 15, 2005 I'm interest in joining your clan... I mainly like to snipe, defend the base, blow stuff up, and run people over. In other words... favorite vehicles/weapons... Vehicles: Ghost, Wraith Weapons: Sniper Rifle, Beam Rifle, Rocket Launcher, Brute shot, Shotgun, Sword We need your gamertag. And red, that's pretty great, but We [or...me, at least] are [am] looking for something quite a bit smaller. Of course, if it turns out awesome in the 'final draft', we might be willing to stick with something that size. We shall see. Quote
supremespleen Posted May 15, 2005 Posted May 15, 2005 Mr. Red, I like it. The headphones seem hard to see. It might be a little big. Quote
redchlorine Posted May 15, 2005 Posted May 15, 2005 Well duh its big, its a WIP. So, should I ditch the swords and just have the skull w/headphones? Also, should it have any text [in halo font of course ]? Or should it be left blank, the picture being worth a thousand ...err... frags? Quote
Knuckx117 Posted May 15, 2005 Posted May 15, 2005 Also, I just realized that the skull on the difficulty badges is that of an elite... weird, huh? Quote
redchlorine Posted May 15, 2005 Posted May 15, 2005 Righty, I need some input. The color of the words 'Clan OCRemix' The color of the background A background image, failing #2 Any other things I might have forgotten This is an emblem for a clan, and it would make sense for you guys to have some part in it. BTW, here's another attempt. ..now that I look at it, those words are the wrong color... Quote
supremespleen Posted May 15, 2005 Posted May 15, 2005 Ooh. I like it that way. Maybe white letters though. Quote
redchlorine Posted May 15, 2005 Posted May 15, 2005 ARG!! Sometimed photoshop is too good for its own good. I'm using paint for most of the touch up. Oy. On another note, The images I'm posting are extra sized for clarity. The finished product won't be that large. Also, I found an acceptable background. Click for full size. Quote
WesPip Posted May 15, 2005 Author Posted May 15, 2005 As am I...but like you said, the blue font does not work with that... But its coming along nicely. I can hardly wait to use my precious badge with pride Quote
redchlorine Posted May 15, 2005 Posted May 15, 2005 More or less finished. Little bit of touch up on the right side skull, shrink it, but yea. Why would I submit a 90% done pic? LUNCH BREAK!! Quote
supremespleen Posted May 15, 2005 Posted May 15, 2005 Might be better with white text. I liked it with the plain transparent background too. Quote
redchlorine Posted May 15, 2005 Posted May 15, 2005 And now for something a little different! Yea, I think my attention span has been reached. And because he said so, here with white colored font. Yes, I'm lazy. And also, that wasen't a transparent background. I just copyed the color from the boards, which are 2 different colors. I was just lucky it was the same one. I need a break. Time to play some fable. Quote
WesPip Posted May 15, 2005 Author Posted May 15, 2005 Heheh...it's definitely getting there ; I prefer the white text, but...i think you just...used a fill tool on the letters, rather than typing in white? But yeah, clean up the right skull a little more, maybe soften the edges of the controller, and it'll be just about right. Quote
Dr. Marius Posted May 15, 2005 Posted May 15, 2005 .... It's gotta be kind of small. I gotta add it to my current sig without getting rid of anything. Quote
WesPip Posted May 15, 2005 Author Posted May 15, 2005 Yeah, we're all aware. It's just really hard to work on a tiny thing, so once it's done, we'll just shrink it down to the desired size, and all will be well. On a non-badge-related note, who's planning on being on tonight? Quote
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