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*NO* Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time & Majora's Mask 'Storm of Healing'

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Hey DJP and judges,

Here's my latest remix.

Title: Storm of Healing

Orig. piece: Song of Storms and Song of Healing, Zelda OoT and Zelda MM.

System Nintendo 64

Remixer(s): NeoS (and RMX Analog)

Real names: NeoS: Martin Zandbergen

Playtime: 5:44

Genre: Trance

e-mail: Martin@tzand.demon.nl or neos20@hotmail.com

Usernumber: 18308


comments: RMX Analog started this remix on october 17th, 2004. After posting it in the WIP thread i commented on his remix and he contacted me for some help.

We started a simple collab at first. Worked out nice, but I wanted to give it my own twist and started on this "remix" of that remix. I still mention RMX Analog for he started the original remix.

I hope you enjoy this piece of work i did for the last past 2 months.

If you need more info, you can contact me through e-mail or PM me on the forums of course ;).



the synth right off the bat sounds a bit grating and generic. The introduction sounds a bit thin, and a lot generic.

i like to move it move it.

it never really gains complexity or texture.

woah..these transitions are sudden and odd. ugh...so this song more or less plays a bunch of melodies with generic techno synths.

not terribly impressive.



The intro takes a long time to get through; it's a good intro, but it's long.

Transitions are awkward and really weird. The song of healing section has absolutely no relevence to the song of storms section. It also sounds really thin, with piano and strings playing in unison. Arpeggiator on the melody is corny as hell and totally ineffective.

Seems to me that you made not real effort to cohesively combine both source tunes into a single mix; there's medleyitis out the wazoo here, and the two songs don't compliment eachother at all. You've even got them in two different minor keys without any kind of transitory passage to take us from one key to the other. That's some pretty messy writing.



Rather simplistic throughout and there are some rather...adventurous transitions.

The mix has a bit of an identity crisis. Most of the piece is too simplistic to work as anything but a dance track, but the section at 2:10 would be a bit tricky to groove to.

Go back to the drawing board and figure out what you're trying to do with this mix.



http://www.zophar.net/usf/lozmmusf.rar - 112 "Song of Storms" & 129 "Song of Healing Demo"

Nah, generic electronica ain't bringin' it. Needs more processing and effects to not sound so default-ish and basic. Despite trying to create a full sound, the layering of sounds was never really cohesive, making things sound fairly empty most of the way through.

I liked the rhythm alteration going on with "Song of Storms" at 1:40. Pretty basic use of the source with some trance work placed underneath it, so it doesn't really win on the arrangement side, but it was alright to listen to.

Kind of an abrupt change into "Song of Healing" at 2:11. Work on that a bit further, cuz if you could make the transition good, it would be a nice change of pace here.

Ah man, the trance material at 3:28 sounded REALLY generic. Had a lot of one mo time fo da bass action there, but was still empty-sounding despite how many sounds you had going on at once. Cymbal shots at 4:25 = tacky. Yeah, all of the Song of Storms usage was the highlight here, but this wasn't much beyond a genre adaptation.

The trance work needs more compositional meat, as opposed to just being a groove placed underneath the song. I'm thinking more along the lines of the kind of stuff SuperGreenX makes, i.e. Intelligent Techno. Step up the creativity with more elaborate compositional ideas and better synth design - learn the ropes at the ReMixing forum and head over to the Work-in-Progress forum to get more feedback.


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