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Super Street Fighter II Turbo: Blood on the Asphalt - History

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My updates are getting a little out of sync now lol, but anyways. It seems that all of the stages have been claimed at this point. We have less than 2 weeks now to submit our final versions to Shael. I will be going crazy in the last week, but you'll just have to wait to see that. Anyways, the tracks that are free afaik are:

E.Honda Ending

Blanka Ending

Ken Ending

Zangeif Ending

Sagat Ending

T.Hawk Ending

Feilong Ending

DeeJay Ending

M.Bison Ending

I believe these tracks to be non-essential (due to them being ending themes) especially at this penultimate stage in the project. However I do still think that 2 weeks is plenty of time.

As for other themes: 'Tournament mode begins', 'Title screen', 'Ending credits' and 'Here comes a new challenger' themes have already been taken.

Me and RTF are still working on Cammy and Chun-li at this present time. I think we may even finish early. Let's all make some great tunes guys!




Ok, this is the final week. Shael has asked that I take in the final submissions. You can email them to me directly (gmail hehehe) or send me a link.

File guidelines:

192kbps mp3 - I recommmend freerip which uses the LAME encoding. I don't use winamp anymore because it sometimes causes the file to go into clipping when it shouldn't. But anyways you can find it here:


Don't forget to come up with an original name for your remix, OC style! :D

ID3 Tags are as follows, using my Balrog remix as an example:

Title: Blood on the Asphalt: a Tribute to Street Fighter 2 - Balrog Stage 'Mercenary boxing'

Artist: Stephen Malcolm-Howell (Malcos)

Album: Blood on the Asphalt: a Tribute to Street Fighter 2

Year: 2006

Genre: Game

Composer: Stephen Malcolm-Howell (Malcos)

Original Artist: Alfh Lyra, Yoko Shimomura

Copyright: Capcom

Url: www.ocremix.org

Encoded by: Stephen Malcolm-Howell (Malcos)

I soooo excited! This is gonna be great! :D

Final Deadline 25th April

EDIT: Forgot to add, the filename would be:


EDIT 2: Changed the capital 'A' to a lowercase. Shael reminded me that the article should always be lowercase. And I thought my gammar was good. Oh well.


Probably. :P

There'll be some scrambling on my end, but my two are coming. I only just decided on final arrangements, and I'm about to send my reggaeton to DJSammy for some (last-minute, I'm afraid) scratching; strings still need layering, which is being done now. The vocals will be mixed into both during today and tomorrow. There's a new organ intro for Vega's ending. Stay tuned....

Yeah, I just realised I sent you the wrong version. I'll get the proper one in on tuesday.

Oh kool. That's even better! I just sent you a pm btw. It only does it a couple of times.

Ok KungFu, that's fine. KungFuChicken gets some extra time for coming in so late to do the Vega Stage after Txai dropped out so close to the deadline.


I'm going to have to be starting these vocals from scratch, which emans re-mixing every sound in the song to get it to cooperate with my voice, so I'm going t record them tonight (AT ALL COST) and if I don't submit it at like 5 in the morning, you'll have it by at least 2PM tomorrow (cause If I sleep at 5, I'll wake up at 2, y'see).


I have all the guitar tracks already recorded for akumajo's song and his basic tracks are all recorded too. Also, the mixing process is in a very advanced stage. Now I only have to get in touch with him (what I'm doing right now) so we can decide the best way to mix the track.

Sorry if we're going to be a few days late, but it's almost out of the oven :wink:


Forgive me if it's in this thread and I overlooked it, but will these tracks be mastered for the album? What I'm giving right now is decent enough, but officially unmastered. If I should master them, lemme know.

Vega's ending is completely done! Unfortunately, I'm programming my own scratches right now and doing final mixing on the other track, and that will also be among the "5 or 6 in the morning" works coming in.

I wanted to do more with the vocals on both tracks, but my as-ideal-as-it-gets mic setup is displaced for reasons I can't get into now, so I have to work with what I have. The chorus on the Vega track is almost rudimentary because of it. I hope it's still satisfactory... Check it out below:




Forgive me if it's in this thread and I overlooked it, but will these tracks be mastered for the album? What I'm giving right now is decent enough, but officially unmastered. If I should master them, lemme know.

Vega's ending is completely done! Unfortunately, I'm programming my own scratches right now and doing final mixing on the other track, and that will also be among the "5 or 6 in the morning" works coming in.

I wanted to do more with the vocals on both tracks, but my as-ideal-as-it-gets mic setup is displaced for reasons I can't get into now, so I have to work with what I have. The chorus on the Vega track is almost rudimentary because of it. I hope it's still satisfactory... Check it out below:




The scratch seems pretty good to me.

Needless to say that this is tight...


Thanks for bringing up the mastering point José - you'll have to do your own mastering for the album. Rofl at the lyrics - sooooo big headed! Definitely satisfactory.

Ok here's the lowdown on what's been submitted and what is still to come - what has come in so far has been great, I'm really excited about this! :D

I'll update this post as the tracks come in.

Tracks Recieved:

Balrog Stage 'Mercenary Boxing' - Malcos

Dhalsim Stage 'Reaching for Nirudha' - Malcos

Dhalsim Ending 'Home at last' - Malcos

Cammy Stage 'Army Girl' - Malcos and Red Tailed Fox

Blanka Stage 'Wallstreet Monster' - Richter and Joshua Morse

Vega Ending 'Spitting Narcissism' - Jose the Bronx Rican

T.Hawk Stage 'New Mexican Thunderbird' - Vurez

Akuma Stage 'Murder Instinct' - Rob Bishop

Here comes a new challenger 'Prepare yourself' - Malcos

Guile Ending 'So lost' - Aetherius

Sound FX Mix - DJSammyG

Chunli Stage 'I don't Fight Boys' - Red Tailed Fox and Malcos

Sagat Stage 'Urban Uppercut' - Blind vs. Leifo

Hi Score 'Hi, Score!' - Shael Riley

Project Track ('Blood on the Asphalt') - Shael Riley (Richter mix)

DeeJay Stage 'Thank you DeeJay' - Jose the Bronx Rican

Zangeif Stage 'Communist Jungle' - nesper

M.Bison Stage 'Tribute to the Master' - Malcos

Fei-Long Stage 'Flying Heaven' - zircon

Title screen 'Rock the Asphalt' - Jivemaster

Ryu Stage 'R U Overdrive' - AkumajoBelmont and BrainCells

Guile Stage 'Mile long dong' - Trenthian

E.Honda Stage 'Tokyo Slapdown' - V

Ken Stage 'Made in USA' - Sixto Sounds

Ending credits - Damien Kraus

End of.

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