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*NO* Ys 6 'Thrashing Through Grana Vallis (2005 Mix)' *RESUB*

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LT Edit - Original decision: http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=50554

Remixer Name: Vurez

Remixer's Website: www.vurez.com

Remix Info:

Remix Title: Thrashing Through Grana-Vallis (2005 Mix)

Name of Game: Ys VI The Ark of Napishtim

Original name of song remixed: Mountain Zone

I submitted this back in late 2004 as "Grana Vallis Turbo Style". Since then, I've uploaded the same track to vgmix.com as "Thrashing Through Grana-Vallis". Recently, I viewed the critiques here and at vgmix and have made extensive changes to it and I call this version "Thrashing Through Grana-Vallis (2005 Mix)".

I think I refurbished my track as much as could have without completely starting over from scratch doing a whole new arrangement. I've added more new sections to the mix and changed the lead melodies up a bit. I've also redid the mixing levels so it wasn't as muddy as my previous version. I think you'll notice this version is much sharper and punchy. Pretty much the only thing I left be was the basic rythm. I thought about changing it (as some of you suggested), but since this is for the most part a Ryo Yonemitsu tribute arrangement, I felt this track would be best if it utilized a rythm similar to what he used in some of his arrangements. Hopefully all the changes I made will make up for this. Also, please note, the original "Mountian Zone" track I supplied IS the full version of the song. The cut off point at the end is just where it loops (just thought I'd let you guys know so you'll know how much new stuff is in the mix).

Link to the original track:

Link my latest version of this remix:

And in case you want to compare this to what I gave you last time, here's the vgmix link for it:


Anyone else think that both the placement & the plain patterns of the drums are holding this back? Just doesn't gel well with the rest of the track and drive it along. Otherwise, the arrangement starts off conservative again, but then works into some new ideas that are pretty good. The sounds are kind of cluttered until 2:15, but I'm not taking off much for that, as the production is alright. Would like to get some more input on these drums potentially not fitting in. Leaning on b-NO at the moment, but won't cast a vote yet until I hear from someone and also listen to the track further.


the drum sequencing certainly isn't impressive, and it's somewhat out of place, however i think the drums arent the biggest problem with this mix.

Most of the time the mix just sounds incredibly mushy to me. there's so much going on, but i can barely make out any of it. The lead guitars have too much reverb, that wierd synth line is too far back for it to be of any use.

I think it's just too busy all the time. the song needs more space.


  • 2 weeks later...

I think this is a big improvement over the original remix. My biggest problems had to do with the arrangement, not the production (which was good then, but is GREAT now), and I believe those problems have all been addressed. Oddly enough, I'm just not hearing any clutter problems, nor did the percussion stick out to me at all. The 'hot' and bright mixing style combined with some unique choices on certain instruments makes this a refreshing change from other mixes we've gotten in a similar genre. The subtle additions of backing synths, new harmonies and original sections, variation on the source.. all of this comes together for a great mix.



Was busy with finals, but the mix seems to be presented as finished as is, so while Don may revise it if needed, I'm gonna vote on it as is. Pretty short and sweet, the arrangement is no longer a problem in any way, and I really liked the new twists and turns Don threw in. Very creative and catchy.

Still gonna have to stick with my post above about the problems I had with production/clutter and also the way the drums don't drive the song forward and sound pasted on top. Those really seemed to hold the mix back, IMO. Otherwise, I thought it was great and have no problem with it passing. Please dont be discouraged at the votes on criticism. Frankly, I'm surprised you aren't posted already given how many excellent VGMix tracks I've heard from you. Definitely keep subbing here and work on this to just tweak it a bit further if possible.

NO (borderline)


I love the style and the synths. My main issue before was the lack of arrangement, also the muddiness. You've solved the arrangement issue. I enjoyed what you've done here greatly.

Unfortunately to compensate for the mud issues I think you over EQ'd stuff here, and also there's no bottom end here. Did you over over treble, remove too much bottom? I think this could still benefit from more bottom end. There's no balls to this mix down there. :lol:

Vig makes good points, which brings up my other issue. The drum work is indeed messy and out of place.

The business factor I can see as putting off some, but this sounds like trademark jrock/jsynth music. The instrumentation and synths Vurez uses here are so trademark Yonemitsu, especially the awesome sequencing and usage of the synth brass. Excellent job in that regard.

Borderline NO. Please resubmit!


gray's right on about the synthy jrock sound here.

just the kind of synths and acoustic guitar samples that should be here, are here.

i'm not gonna piss on the drum work because the guy said he wanted to keep it like the original. in a remix like this, that could work.

i'm on the 'clutter' side of the fence, though.

things sound unbalanced, the sounds don't seem to respect their boundries.

and it's too trebly, i'm hearing a high-end pinch on my monitors that's not very pleasing...


still, very appropriate synths.

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