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*NO* Sonic 3D Blast (GEN) 'Enigmatic Melody' *RESUB*

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First Submission


Name: Arceace

Real name: Ben Clifton

Email address: jugglemon312@yahoo.com

Game: Sonic 3D Blast (Sega Genesis version)

Title: Enigmatic Melody

Original track: Rusty Ruin


Personally, I am glad that my first submission was rejected. I have spent a lot of time adding more depth to this arrangement, and I find that I like this version a lot more than the previous one. I didn’t change much arrangement-wise, but I added more layers to give it more sound. I have also upgraded from lousy computer speakers to okay quality headphones so I was able to make it more detailed. I hope that this is fun to listen to, I know I had fun making it. Thank you for your time and consideration.


  • 4 weeks later...

I think it's sounding a lot better. Now I'm hearing a lot more that I couldn't make out the first time.

In terms of nitpicking a bit, there are some areas that now feel a bit subdued overall, which is losing a bit of the energy, and I think you could do some further tweaking in terms of that to bring things back up to where they should be. A pinch of an overall volume boost might be appropriate for this as well. I don't remember too clearly, but now the bass has a few notes on the extreme end of things to the point where they are losing their character. I'd comb through and adjust those areas, either up an octave for those particular notes, or something else in terms of the bass. I think I'd like to hear a little more out of the drums at times. You use different loops for different sections, but you could do more fills to enhance what's going on the the rest of the instrumentation.

I think it's really close, but it needs just a little more spit-polish.

NO (resubmit)


I do appreciate that the track itself can be heard now, and the intro is nice and mysterious, but the synths and drums tend to feel really subdued and flattened, and lacking energy. Some aspects are fine, like the piano, but a lot of the track feels like it's just not getting there.

The arrangement I really enjoy, and production-wise this is a massive step up from the original submission, but it needs further refinement. If you are inclined to give it another go, feel free to PM me, and I can help you out a bit further, as i'd love for this to be on the site. :-)

No, please resubmit

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm listening to this one fresh for the first time, so here's my first impressions. The intro is cool and sets up a nice mood, but overall the track feels like it's mastered too quietly and a lot of the individual elements are either weak samples outright, or nice sound choices that aren't mixed quite right. Your bassline is mostly pretty good, but at times like 1:30 the notes just seem to blend together too much and lose definition, since your sample is pushed almost entirely into sub-bass frequencies. The same can be said for your kick, which could definitely stand to be run through some compression and EQ the mids/highs just a bit to give it a more full-bodied sound. The same advice could be applied for a lot of your synth sounds in this mix, though it's hard to tell if that would still be necessary after the overall mastering is brought up more.

Additionally, the rain sfx seems like it drops off a bit too early/suddenly, it would be a lot more seamless to fade it out more gradually and finally drop it out completely once you've built up a little bit more ambiance so the change in soundscape isn't so sudden. This isn't a dealbreaker or anything, but it's something worth touching up. Also, watch the delay/sequencing on your piano riff at the end, the timing on that sounds rather awkward.

You've got some really cool arrangement stuff going on here and I'd like to hear this again, but the production needs to be reworked significantly. Good luck!

NO (resub)

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