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RoeTaKa - 'Strings of Time' on Bandcamp, iTunes, CD Baby and Amazon.MP3!

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Hello! RoeTaKa is back! :D ...in a musical way! (For the record, keep me as RoeTaKa here)

First of all I'd like to announce my website is live and kicking http://www.alexroe.co.uk I hope to keep upgrading and make the site better and better in the future. My debut album Strings of Time is currently playing so feel free to let it play on. And now the music!


Strings of Time on Bandcamp for $5 and available on AmazonMP3, iTunes and CD Baby!

Praxis on Bandcamp for $2

Strings of Time: Strings of Time - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecqeh4qo4cU

Strings of Time is my official debut, the numero uno. I poured a lot of work and emotion into it and it is dedicated to my Nan who passed away sadly back in July and it inspired me to work harder to make this happen. It is mostly a chillout sountrack but has lots of orchestral/string themes, it feels like soundtrack in its own way. A big thanks to my friend Tom who made the cover art for me and created my website, but for some reason doesn't want credit so much so I compel you to check out the contact area of my website if you are interested in his work. I really hope to get this album done as physical CD's someday. I'm not sure what else to say other than please do listen!

Praxis: Apraxia - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vG8_RPV49So

Praxis is a soundtrack to a game that does not exist, but a script was in writing and I loved it so much that I just kept making music for it regardless. It was an incredibly fun project and a real kick starter for me into doing big orchestral tracks of film/game quality. For a low low price of $2 I'm sure there is a lot to like here!

Hope you enjoy the tunes, cheers.

Arek buddy hope you're doing good! I heard you like street fighter <.<...makes me wanna fight you haha. Good to see you around too, the kirby project still running?

Yea. Music is done, and I am about to talk to halc bout moving to a different stage so that the people can get that without having to wait for the art to finish.

Good times have been going for a bit, and I'm glad you are having them too :)

Yea, I play Street Fighter. Thanks to A_Rival, I am able to hold my own somewhat. I am nowhere near great, but I am always down for a challenge!


Cheers guys, hope you are well Katie! Been a long time.

I realize that yeah I'm not very well known at all and though money is nice it's nearly Christmas and many people want to buy Batman (because Batman is better than sex). So I've slashed Strings of Time to $5 on bandcamp, I really want to reach out to more people.

Strings of Time will also be available on iTunes, Amazon mp3 and CDBaby soon aswell so I will make sure to link to that later.


Thanks alot guys! Strings of Time is now available on AmazonMP3, CD Baby and iTunes! (as well as other places!) All details on the first page.

Some real good anthemic stuff here. Might want to look into licensing opportunities for some of the tracks. Nice work! 8)

That's great advice cheers I've already started to look into it. Ah you did some of the music for GoldenEye: Source! I loved the work on that, well done :)

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