Brandon Strader Posted October 27, 2011 Posted October 27, 2011 It is people who make a community good or bad for any specific person, the experience can be different for everyone. But yes, a community is the sum of its parts more or less, and if many of the parts are consistently negative, then that will look badly upon the entire community. I would hope, probably in vain, that the "profanity yelling children" are not that common.. Quote
The Derrit Posted October 27, 2011 Posted October 27, 2011 honestly through the entire time i played halo reach online (which was awhile) i can only remember three or four times there were screaming kids, and usually they got cut down by older people who put them in their place. not the most elegant solution but it usually works little kids aren't that clever Quote
dsx100 Posted October 27, 2011 Posted October 27, 2011 I haven't posted here in years but I just felt like I needed to put in my two cents this time. First, I'm not a big fan of this thread. While there are definitely things annoying about certain gaming communities, the bottom line is that they aren't the best representation of those communities. Also, "trash talking" pretty much goes hand in hand with competitive gaming. Its always been there and will always be there. If you don't like it just lower the voice chat volume or make fun of and laugh at the retarded comments these kids are making. Secondly and more importantly, the negative perception of the Fighting Game community is totally wrong. I can't speak for Smash Bros. because in all honesty that is its own separate community. Most perceptions of the FG community couldn't be further from the truth. In the FG community, pretty much everyone is really tight knit. The community is really helpful and has absolutely no problem welcoming casual or new players. Now with that being said,what we don't like are the new players that think they are the shit and believe they are only losing because the good players are qoute "Using cheap tactics". The community is very helpful when it comes to helping people learn how to play and get better. What we can't do is fill a cup that's already full. The term scrub comes from those players as term specifically refers to "players of low skill level who blame everything and everyone else for their loses rather than there lack of skill and knowledge of the game". If you are humble in defeat and ask for tips on how to get better, the vast majority of the time you will get a welcoming response. Also the fighting game community does trash talk a lot but its just for fun. It isn't really meant to be derogatory. Its more like friends joking around and insulting each other in conversations. Its meant to lighten the mood. That being said, the community does have its fair of jerks and assholes. However, these guys are often not taken seriously and usually don't represent the community accurately. All the top guys like Alex Valle, Mike Ross, Combofiend, and Justin Wong are really cool guys and are the good representations of what the community is like. I know all this from experience. I'm a casual fighting game player with a very low level of actual skill and the community has embraced me. I go to tournaments and get my ass kicked and more often than than not, the player who beat me gives me tips on how to do better in the future without me even asking for it. All my friends could care less that I suck at the games. They just like that I enjoy what they do and that I appreciate the community. Quote
Cerrax Posted October 28, 2011 Posted October 28, 2011 People who play Marvel vs Capcom 3 give me a lot of shit for playing on Simple Mode in stead of Normal. There's a reason they added Simple Mode guys. It's so people who don't want to spend hours learning combos, dragon punches, and cancel windows can still enjoy the game. The core fundamentals of the game still apply, but without having to re-learn every single character moveset. My roommate constantly makes fun of me because I have a hard time doing a snapback, BUT I BEAT HIS ASS EVERY TIME. Obviously his "skill" with the controller buttons doesn't make up for the fact that he fails to account for position, timing, or defense. That being said, Normal Mode is actually a lot more flexible than Simple, since you have many more moves at your disposal which gives a greater versatility with the characters. Simple Mode basically puts Smash Brothers-type controls into MvC-style gameplay. Quote
The Derrit Posted October 28, 2011 Posted October 28, 2011 Most perceptions of the FG community couldn't be further from the truth. In the FG community, pretty much everyone is really tight knit. The community is really helpful and has absolutely no problem welcoming casual or new players. Now with that being said,what we don't like are the new players that think they are the shit and believe they are only losing because the good players are qoute "Using cheap tactics". The community is very helpful when it comes to helping people learn how to play and get better. What we can't do is fill a cup that's already full. The term scrub comes from those players as term specifically refers to "players of low skill level who blame everything and everyone else for their loses rather than there lack of skill and knowledge of the game". If you are humble in defeat and ask for tips on how to get better, the vast majority of the time you will get a welcoming response. so spot on what people do not realize is that these kids online who call you a 'no-skill noob' or a 'scrub' aren't part of the fighting game community. they're immature little kids/adults who play fighting games. if you go to a tournament or to etc. people are nice, welcoming people. many other communities aren't like that; when MLG was in its prime many of the halo competitors were not personable and rude. instead of caring about building the community, they just cared that they got paid to play halo, and wanted to make sure it stayed that way. also, watch this if you have an hour to spare, its about Mike Ross. He's one of the biggest faces of the fighting game community and shows what kind of people populate the community. Quote
Toadofsky Posted October 28, 2011 Posted October 28, 2011 For a second, I thought you all were talking about communities related to web pages, if that was the case, I'd put Destructoid front and center. As far as any game related communities go, eh, they all have their good and bad sides. The problem is that everyone anywhere focuses so much on negativity as a means to draw attention to themselves. Quote
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