djpretzel Posted June 27, 2005 Posted June 27, 2005 Hey there, first of all many compliments for the site: I stumbled upon OCremix last week and I've been amazed. After listening to some of your interesting stuff, I've thought to give my little contribution... hope you will like it. Below are my data, as required: Contact Info Your ReMixer name: DJ Magurno Your real name: Gabriele Magurno Location: Italy Your email address: Your website: Your userid: 29181 (grabbed from the activation link: hope it's the right one) ReMix Info Name of game(s) ReMixed: Lufia II - Rise of the Sinistrals Name of individual song(s) ReMixed: Battle Theme #2 (A.K.A. "Boss Battle") Name of the ReMix: Hit Da Boss Additional information about game if it has not yet been added to the site, including composer, system, etc. System: SNES - Composer: Yasunori Shiono - Year: 1995 Link to the remix file: Link to the original soundtrack if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site: (MIDI files, check: "Battle Theme #2") (MP3 files, check: "Lufia II Boss Battle") (MIDI direct link) Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc.: After spending many years using the SNES system bought in 1994, with which I had much fun, my passion for retro-gaming didn't stop, maybe since I've seen the videogames born, when I was a child. Now that old systems are over, the only way to still play with old videogames is using emulators: I've discovered Lufia II some months ago, while I was searching for a new game to play with and... I've been amazed by the addictive gameplay, good humor, intricated puzzles, and especially the MUSIC! Mr. Shiono made an excellent work, my favorite track ever is the "Battle Theme #2" also known as "Boss Battle Theme". I think there are great arrangements for a 2D-game music, especially strings and background guitars. I've thought that, after some improvements, it could sound even better, so here we go: since I've been a DJ for almost 6 years, during the '90s, and my passion for music-composition is still alive and healty, I've thought to make a Jungle "Jump-Up" remix of the Boss Battle theme: the drum-metrics and the BPM were already perfect for that. Although I've re-arranged almost everything, and also added new parts to the song, I've tried to keep my remix as close as possible to the original idea, which was great already. Mine, is a (little) improvement: I don't expect to reach the author's levels of course. Well, after one week of work everything it's ready. Hope you'll like it! Thanks for attention, hope my remix could meet your requirements. Also, hope everything is ok with the mp3 file: I'm not too much familiar with the ID3 Tag V2, I did my best, anyway. Greetings from Italy, Gabriele Magurno
Liontamer Posted June 27, 2005 Posted June 27, 2005 - "Battle #2" (ed2-113.spc) Bah, I've hit "great source tune bias!" But in all seriousness, I was really disappointed by this one for simply playing it straight most of the way through and not taking any liberties with the original material. Seemed like this might be remixing an entirely different theme until the familiar intro from the source showed up at :17. The source tune was kept verbatim, the instrumentation was sparse, and the beats were too bland & repetitive. Track looped for another go at 1:29. All of these conditions result in making me a sad judge. Changing things up at 2:34, especially into such a simplistic groove at 2:56, was way too little too late. :'-( NO
Sam Ascher-Weiss Posted June 30, 2005 Posted June 30, 2005 All of these conditions result in making me a sad judge. That makes me a saaaad panda
Liontamer Posted July 3, 2005 Posted July 3, 2005 All of these conditions result in making me a sad judge. That makes me a saaaad panda Ha! I knew someone would get it.
Sam Ascher-Weiss Posted July 4, 2005 Posted July 4, 2005 This was waaaaaaaay too similar to the original and using quiet slow attack strings to the play the melody at 0:45 makes it very difficult to hear. The snare drum on 2 and 4 is so aggressive and constant that it starts to really get on my nerves, but I think that's probably more of a personal preference. Obviously this needs more arrangement of the source and no quiet slow attack strings playing the melody. NO
Harmony Posted July 4, 2005 Posted July 4, 2005 There are some interesting SFX as well as FX automation towards the beginning but after 0:23 there’s little to keep this track from sounding bland until the break at 2:43. The dynamic panning of the beeping background synth is cool but everything else is very close to center and a little dry for my tastes. 2:43-3:26 has some groove appeal and I wish that it played a more prominent role other than an outro. Arrangement is at cover level but for a straight cover it’s not bad. Next time Gabriele, get a little more creative with the source and really take it somewhere. In addition, work on creating more interesting sounds, synth processing/design, and sequencing more engaging percussion and you should be on your way. Be sure to check out our ReMixing and WIP forums to help you with your future mixes and your music in general. NO
zircon Posted July 4, 2005 Posted July 4, 2005 I like some of the ideas here, for sure - but I have to agree that a lot really isn't being done with the original tune. Also, the mix is on the sparse side, with not very much harmony going on, and a sort of dull collection of instruments (it's almost entirely strings and plucked/simplistic synths). Why not use some synth pads, or other orchestral instruments? What about guitar, orchestral percussion, some keyboard instruments? Or at the very least, more 'dynamic' synth sounds that change over time? Essentially, I am asking for a wider variety of sounds - it's up to you how to achieve that. The drum section actually isn't too bad. I like what's there, but it gets a little old over time. Consider adding more layers as the remix progresses, such as additional hihats, or layered breakbeats, or even effects automation. I like the pattern and the samples aren't bad, but even the best pattern can't carry a mix alone. Production (on the drums and overall) isn't spectacular, but it's passable. The whole thing could probably be a little brighter (eg. the lead synth, the strings, and the hihats) and the strings could use a bit more reverb, but otherwise, good stuff. This has potential. Keep working on it: do more with the source tune, add more of your own material, add variations, and expand on the sounds you're using. NO
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